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Pat Ruley '13 named eighth head football coach in Rowan history

Pat Ruley '13 named eighth head football coach in Rowan history


GLASSBORO, N.J. Rowan University has named alumnus Pat Ruley '13 as the eighth head football coach in the school's history, it was announced by director of athletics Dr. John Giannini. Ruley returns to Glassboro after spending the past six years as associate head coach and defensive coordinator at Susquehanna University.

Ruley succeeds Jay Accorsi, who retired after 22 seasons as head coach of the Pros and recorded the most wins (143) in program history.

“After 40 years of learning from coaches in all sports and at all levels, I have never had a better conversation than getting to know Pat Ruley. His views on recruitment, motivation, team building, staff building and football philosophy are filled with specific plans and passionate belief,” said Giannini. “He was instrumental in making Susquehanna a Top 10 football program. I am beyond excited about what he can accomplish at Rowan, in one of the most successful athletic departments in the country. He knows Rowan's potential well as an alumnus with an All-American, All-Conference and NJAC Football Championship pedigree. Welcome home Coach Ruley!”

“Being the next head coach of the Rowan football program is a dream come true. My time as a student-athlete at Rowan has created some of my strongest friendships and fondest lifelong memories. This place has such a rich tradition and I understand its norms and expectations those alumni have for the program are welcome, and I wouldn't have it any other way,” said Ruley, a native of Margate, NJ.

“I would like to thank Dr. John Giannini for our conversation during my interview. I left that meeting feeling excited about the direction and vision for not only the football program, but for the entire athletic department moving forward. My family and I are excited back in our home state and we couldn't be happier to plant our roots in South Jersey,” the coach said.

“Our top priority in every decision we make in this program will always be the student-athlete experience. My goal is to engage the alumni base and current student population so they can be present and supportive in Rowan's next era Football. We want to put a product on the field that will compete week in and week out. I can't wait to meet this team and get started!”

Ruley arrived at Susquehanna in 2017 as defensive coordinator and inside linebackers coach and was promoted to associate head coach in 2023. He worked with the teams under head coach Tom Perkovich, which produced an overall record of 55-11. The River Hawks won two conference championships (Landmark, Centennial) and established themselves as a power in the East Region, qualifying for the NCAA Playoffs twice and consistently ranking in the AFCA and Top 25 polls. Susquehanna also recorded four wins in the annual Centennial-MAC Bowl series during that time.

At Susquehanna, he coached four All-Americans, 11 All-Region selections and 35 All-Centennial Conference selections, including 2023 Landmark Conference Defensive Player of the Year and first-team All-American Keith Green III.

He is responsible for turning the River Hawks' defensive unit into a fighting force, as the “Wild Dogs” routinely rank among the top defensive metrics in the NCAA Division III. In 2023, SU led the Landmark Conference in every major defensive category and ranked seventh in the nation in total defense (231.5 ypg). In 2019, Susquehanna's defense ranked among the nation's leaders in seven different categories, becoming the only defense in an NCAA division to rank in the Top 10 nationally in those categories.

Susquehanna put together back-to-back campaigns in 2022 and 2023, going 10-0 during the regular season, winning conference titles and hosting NCAA Playoff games. The River Hawks reached the Top 10 for the first time in history during the 2023 campaign, peaking at number nine in the poll and finishing the year ranked 14th in the country.

Before joining the Susquehanna staff, Ruley was the special teams coordinator and linebackers coach at Alderson Broaddus University in 2016. He coached a pair of All-Conference selections at linebacker and punter as part of the squad that led the won the Great Midwest Athletic Conference crown. and had the second-ranked defense in NCAA Division II.

Ruley spent the 2014 and 2015 seasons at Muhlenberg College, where he served as the outside linebackers coach. The Mules were the nation's No. 4 rushing defense in 2014 and reached the NCAA Division III playoffs in 2015, earning selection to the Centennial-MAC Bowl.

He began his coaching career in 2013 at Division I Towson University as a defensive quality control coach and special teams assistant, helping the Tigers go 13-3 and make a trip to the NCAA FCS Championship game.

Ruley was a standout linebacker for the Profs from 2009 to 2012, earning All-NJAC honors twice. He was named a USA Sports College All-American in 2012 and was selected to play in that year's National Bowl, a bowl game for senior All-Americans. Ruley totaled 179 tackles and six sacks in 37 games (26 starts), contributing to Rowan's teams that went 28-12, won the 2010 NJAC title and made a trip to the NCAA Playoffs in 2012.

Ruley, a graduate of Atlantic City High School, earned his bachelor's degree in English from Rowan in 2013.

“Pat Ruley is an excellent addition to Rowan! Pat's career at highly successful programs has prepared him very well for this position. He has been an integral part of our success here at Susquehanna and will be greatly missed. Pat is an excellent coach and recruiter with an incredible ability to motivate and connect student-athletes. Coach Ruley understands the importance of relationships with others in athletics, people on campus and alumni. This will serve the university well.




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