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Five women's hockey teams on the AHCA/Krampade All-American Scholars list

Five women's hockey teams on the AHCA/Krampade All-American Scholars list


EASTON, MA (June 26, 2024) – Five members of Stonehill's women's ice hockey program have been selected to the American Hockey Coaches Association (ACHA) Krampade All-American Scholars List, the organization announced last week.

AHCA announces AHCA/Krampade All-American Scholars

To qualify, a student-athlete must maintain a 3.75 grade point average each semester and appear in 40 percent of the team's games during the 2023-2024 academic year. Exceptions were granted to injured players and backup goaltenders.

Of the 292 NCAA Division I women on the Krampade/AHCA Scholars list, 44 came from member institutions of the New England Women's Hockey Alliance (NEWHA)including Heilig Hart (14), Post (11), Ascension Day (7), St. Michael's College (6), Steenheuvel (5), and Saint Anselm College (1).

The second trio of Mia Kenmore, Hannah Squires, And Brianna Walkom have not only excelled on the ice, but also in the classroom. They earned their second recognition in as many years, while he has just graduated Grace Parker and freshman Makenna Slocum also earned their respective first place awards, showcasing the academic excellence of Stonehill's student-athletes.

Kenmore, majoring in management, earned a 3.86 GPA in the fall and a perfect 4.00 in the spring semester, earning her second AHCA/Krampade Scholar recognition. In addition, Kenmore has been named to the Dean's List for all four semesters of her collegiate career, and is also a two-time NEWHA All-Academic team member. On the ice, the Tri-Cities, Washington, native has appeared in 67 games against the purple and white, scoring nine points on three goals and six assists, including one shorthanded goal during the Skyhawks' 2022 season-opening campaign. – 23.

Parker, who graduated with a degree in interdisciplinary studies, also maintained a perfect GPA of 4.00 during the 2023-2024 academic year. In addition to her success in the classroom, Parker co-captained the Skyhawks on the ice this past season during their first NEWHA championship title and NCAA tournament appearance in the program's second year of existence. Parker played a crucial role on the Skyhawks' rotating penalty kill unit all year long, ranking 11th nationally with a solid 135 of 154 (.876) penalties killed. The defender was essential in helping Stonehill block the passing and shooting lanes for opponents; of the team's 365 (9.35 blocks/game) blocks, Parker ranked second on the team with 47 blocked shots.

Slocum is currently studying psychology and maintained a 3.94 GPA during the 2023-2024 academic year to earn her first collegiate AHCA/Krampade Scholar recognition. The freshman from Ajax, Ontario, played in 36 games during her rookie campaign, where she scored six points on three goals and three assists while posting a plus-two on-ice rating, which ranked fifth on the team . Slocum was recognized for her on-ice performance early in the season when she was named NEWHA Rookie of the Week after recording a pair of assists in two games against Lindenwood on November 24 and 25.

Walkom, who earned a degree in biology, earned a 3.80 GPA in the fall and a 4.00 GPA during the spring semester to qualify for her second AHCA/Krampade Scholar award. The Moon Township, Pa., native and two-time NEWHA All-Academic team member has also been named to the Stonehill College Dean's List all four semesters of her collegiate career. On the ice, Walkom ranked third on the team in the spot during the 2023-2024 season with 243 faceoff wins. Additionally, the center line was a consistent presence throughout the Skyhawks lines. She has played in 76 games over the past two seasons, scoring five goals and 16 assists for a total of 21 points.

Squires, a four-time Dean's List honorary member who studied biology, earned a perfect GPA of 4.00 during the 2023-24 academic year to qualify for her second AHCA/Krampade Scholar recognition. In addition, Squires was also named to her second NEWHA All-Academic team and won the Saint Thomas Aquinas Medalist for the Stonehill women's hockey program. Squires has filled many roles for the Skyhawks during her two seasons in the purple and white to date, appearing in 61 games in total, two of which came between the posts. The Mattapoisett, Mass., native has scored seven points with two goals and five assists while compiling a perfect 2-0 record as an NCAA Division I netminder.

Led by first-year head coach Lee-J MirasoloThe Stonehill College women's ice hockey program had an outstanding sophomore season. The team finished with an overall record of 21-16-2, winning the NEWHA Championship crown and securing a spot in the NCAA Women's Ice Hockey Tournament. The team's collective effort was evident in their top 15 national rankings in multiple categories, including goals, penalty kill percentage, power play goals, shorthanded goals, team points, team saves and winning percentage.

For the latest Stonehill Athletics news, follow the Skyhawks on social media at Tweet, Facebook And Instagram. Fans can also check out the Stonehill Skyhawks “Front Row” mobile apppowered by PrestoSports, on iTunes and the Android Market.




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