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Sreeja Akula attributes recent victories to mental and physical strength and aims to carry momentum into the Paris Olympics | More sports news

Sreeja Akula attributes recent victories to mental and physical strength and aims to carry momentum into the Paris Olympics |  More sports news


NEW DELHI: Sreeja AkulaIndia's highest ranked woman table tennis player, attributes her recent successes against superior opponents to her improved mental and physical strength over the past two years. She aims to keep this momentum going as she sets her sights on the Olympic Games in Paris.
Last week, Sreeja made history by becoming the first Indian table tennis player to a WTT Contender singles title.On Tuesday she achieved one career high ranking of 24, cementing her position as the best rower in the country.
“Over the past two years I have worked a lot on improving my mental strength, and I think this is the first aspect where I have improved, especially in 2024. I am mentally well prepared to play against any opponent. Sreeja said in an interview with Ultimate table tennis.
“I've also been working a lot on my strength and fitness, especially to avoid injuries, and to improve my agility on the table. I think that has made a big difference in my game.
“I've also been working a lot on my first ball attack against the push. I've been trying to be more consistent in attacking that ball, and I see that these three aspects have made a lot of change in my game,” she added.
Sreeja will be competing in both team and individual events and is very confident as she achieved a purple patch this year.
“It's my debut Olympics, but I think I'm well prepared for the tournament. I just want to do my best in whatever event I play and just create the maximum number of upsets.”
Both the Indian men's and women's teams achieved a historic feat by qualifying for the team event at the Paris Olympics.
In her debut Commonwealth Games In his performance at Birmingham in 2022, Sreeja partnered Sharath to clinch the gold medal in the mixed doubles.
Sreeja, who had earlier stunned world No. 2 Wang Yidi of China at the 2023 ITTF World Team Championships, started the year by clinching the WTT Feeder Corpus Christi 2024 singles title in January. Just two months later, she added another title to her collection in Beirut.
The Hyderabad-based rower emerged victorious against the rising Chinese star Ding Yijie in the singles final at the WTT Contender in Lagos. She then joined forces with fellow Indian player Archana Kamath to secure a doubles title.
The former national champion also acknowledged the role of her UTT experience in her overall growth and development.




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