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Local hockey prospects are aiming to become the first Las Vegas resident to be selected in an NHL Draft

Local hockey prospects are aiming to become the first Las Vegas resident to be selected in an NHL Draft


LAS VEGAS (KTNV) After skating across the country and winning national championships, Austin Moline hopes his name will be mentioned in his hometown of Las Vegas.

Following Thursday's NHL Awards, Friday and Saturday's NHL Draft at the Sphere will be the first of its kind held in Vegas. Another historic first for the city's hockey scene could be a local kid disappearing off the board.

Moline, a 6-foot-4 defenseman, is ranked by the NHL Central scouting list as the #181 prospect in the 2024 draft class. Of the more than 200 players turning pro this weekend, the Summerlin native hopes to be one of them are.

My buddy, I have a good stick, long reach. I'm physical, my best attribute is hitting,” Moline told Channel 13's Nick Walters at the City National Arena when asked about his skills.

It feels great to represent this city. I'm sure there will be a lot of great players coming out in the next five, ten years, so I can't wait to see that too.

Moline has seen the youth hockey scene in his hometown explode since the arrival of the Vegas Golden Knights in 2017.

There are definitely a lot more little kids,” Moline said. 'People are much more involved, which is great to see. At the time, people were involved, but only smaller groups of children.

Regularly practicing at the Las Vegas Ice Center, Moline's hockey journey began at a young age and spanned from the West Coast to the North.

I started playing when I was four years old for the Nevada Storm,” Moline said. “I had a great group of friends then, great coaches. I played there until the Knights came, so that's a long time. Played two years for the Junior Vegas Golden Knights. Then I went to California with one of my friends here. Then COVID happened, so I decided to go to a smaller school in Minnesota called North Star Christian Academy. Then I decided to go to Shattuck-St. Maria for three years.

Moline's time at Shattuck-St. Mary's included two national championship victories, the second coming at the City National Arena in his hometown.

We won the rink here,” Moline said. “We had a great group of guys this year and we couldn't have done it without them.

Moline, who recently graduated from high school, will play for Wisconsin's top USHL junior team, the Madison Capitals, next season. He is committed to playing next for NCAA D1 program Northern Michigan unless he is drafted.

Obviously, I couldn't do it without the support of my family and friends over the years,” Moline said. “My moms have been with me for the past two years and supported me in Minnesota. She cooked me food all the time, folded my clothes and stuff like that, so she definitely helped me a lot.

I'm so proud of him,” said Austin's mother Rhonda. 'He has worked hard for years. He has been skating for fourteen years now. He's really dedicated, dedicated and I'm excited about his future.

Regardless of what happens in the draft, Moline tells Channel 13 he plans to bring in the next wave of hockey players from Las Vegas.

“It's cool to be a role model,” Moline said. “Maybe when I'm older, you come out here and coach the young kids. Help them out and tell them my story too. Tell them you have to work hard when people aren't watching, so it'll be great to help these kids out.




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