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Surrey grown avocados and cricket salads as Co-op predicts the future of food | Article

Surrey grown avocados and cricket salads as Co-op predicts the future of food | Article


Supermarket chain asks experts for their opinion on what we will be eating in 2054

Insect salads could be commonplace by 2054, according to this AI-generated image from the Co-op

British farmers are cherished, Surrey grows avocados and olives and insect salads are a staple of the British diet.

These are some of the predictions that form part of the Co-ops’ vision for the UK in 30 years. The convenience chain’s Responsible Retailing Report examines the country’s changing attitudes to food ethics and sustainability over the past 30 years, and to mark its release it has asked experts to predict what the food landscape might look like in three decades.

As part of this, experts from FixOurFood and the University of York predict that the food Brits eat could look drastically different by 2054, with options that seem radical and almost unbelievable becoming the norm by 2024.

Valued farmers

Experts predict that farmers and producers will be more valued by society in the next 30 years. At the same time, the rise of urban indoor farming in Britain will see lab-grown meat and fish, grown from animal tissue to produce steaks, burgers, tuna and even lobster, become increasingly popular.

Consumers will become more health conscious, with more flexitarian diets, which will lead to alternative insect proteins, including grasshoppers, grasshoppers and crickets, becoming part of our daily diet, either as a snack or as the protein element of a main meal.

Climate change impacts will see avocados and olives grown in Surrey by 2054, the report says, with less reliance on imported vegetables and a greater preference for locally produced produce. Extensive plant breeding will lead to new varieties not currently widely known, such as the fast-growing freshwater fern azolla, used in soups, salads and even burgers.

Meanwhile, supporting Fairtrade becomes even more important as small-scale farming communities around the world are disproportionately affected by climate change.

Preserving vegetables

Experts predict that traditional preservation methods will come to the fore, as pickling vegetables are expected to be widely embraced to help Britons reduce food waste and enjoy vegetables outside of their traditional seasons. That could lead to additions such as Yorkshire rhubarb pickles used in dishes like stir-fries and lentil dahl.

While food diversity will improve, cooking skills will also increase, with Brits having more free time to create delicious dishes after the introduction of the four-day working week in 2054.

Bob Doherty, director of FixOurFood and dean of the School for Business and Society at the University of York, said: Over the past thirty years we have seen scientific leaps towards more sustainable products that were unthinkable to most people in 1994.

From lab-grown meat to vertical farming, the future of food is set to revolutionise the way we eat. By 2054, Britons will have edible insects on their plates, and we could see crickets being ground up faster than wholegrains. As climate change continues to impact our planet, we’ll also see a shift towards locally grown produce, with avocados grown in Surrey.

We may even see the introduction of 3D printed food. As we tackle the challenges of climate change, we must embrace these innovations to ensure we can sustainably feed a growing population.




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