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Proven winner Mary Beth Gunn hired as head women's tennis coach

Proven winner Mary Beth Gunn hired as head women's tennis coach


STOCKTON, California. After coaching Southeast Missouri State to five conference championships over the past four seasons, Mary Beth Gunn has been named Head Coach of the Pacific women's tennis program, announced by Athletic Director Adam Tschuor.

Gunn, who served as head coach at SEMO for nine seasons, led the program to regular season titles in 2021, 2023 and 2024, and conference tournament championships in 2022 and 2023. The program made back-to-back NCAA Tournament appearances in 2022 and 2023 after earning automatic selection.

“This is a great opportunity at Pacific. The West Coast Conference is a very high-level league, and the state of California is a huge draw for tennis across the country,” Gunn said. “I have high standards and high expectations, and winning will come if we do things the right way every day.”

Gunn’s success at SEMO was a historic turnaround. She inherited a program that had been on a streak of nine consecutive losing seasons before going 13-8 (5-4 OVC) in her sophomore year in 2017. She continued to build it into a championship program as the Redhawks won their first-ever OVC title in 2021 with a program-best 7-0 mark in league play.

“Our goal at Pacific is to compete and win championships, and through this process we have found a coach who has proven she can set and achieve those standards. Coach Gunn's track record speaks for itself. She took on a program that was 2-20 the year before her arrival and turned it into a powerhouse in the Ohio Valley Conference,” Tschuor said. “Coach Gunn will not only elevate the level of play on the court, but will also be a great mentor to our female tennis student-athletes. We are excited to have her here at Pacific.”

Gunn's teams have gone undefeated in the OVC three times in the last four seasons. It included records of 15-5 (7-0 OVC) in 2021, 17-3 (5-0 OVC) in 2023 and 12-7 (6-0 OVC) in 2024. The 17 wins in 2023 tied the most in the program history, and the Redhawks won both the regular season and OVC tournament titles in the same year for the first time ever.

SEMO entered the 2023 NCAA Tournament on a 16-game winning streak, the longest in program history. The team earned five All-Conference selections, the most in program history.

Gunn was named the 2021 OVC Coach of the Year and mentored 2021 Player of the Year Romana Tarajova, the first Player of the Year in program history.

During the 2020 season, Gunn led the Redhawks to their first OVC Championship victory in 16 years as No. 5 SEMO defeated No. 4 Belmont 4-1.

Before joining the Redhawks, Gunn was the head coach at Western Illinois and also served as an assistant coach at Limestone College (2014-15) and UT Martin (2009-13).

Gunn was part of the coaching staff of two conference championship teams. She helped UT Martin to the OVC Women's Tennis Championship in 2011 and Limestone College to a Conference Carolinas women's tennis title in 2015. Gunn was named Intercollegiate Tennis Association Assistant Coach of the Year in 2015.

Gunn earned both her bachelor's degree in English and history (2008) and her master's degree in education (2011) from UT Martin. She was a standout tennis player at UT Martin, earning All-OVC honors with the Skyhawks in 2007.





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