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No. 1 QB raises the stakes ahead of Penn State football visit

No.  1 QB raises the stakes ahead of Penn State football visit


The top prospect in the 2026 recruiting cycle is nearing a decision as visiting James Franklin and Penn State football approach. Five-star quarterback Faizon Brandon says he expects to make his commitment by the end of the summer, which will happen after he Nittany Lionsnext month.

Speak withAnna Adams of 247Sports on Monday, the Greensboro, North Carolina, quarterback said he expects to release a list of the top five schools soon. A commitment will follow in August.

According to Adams, Faizon Brandon is scheduled to visit Penn State football on July 27. He received an offer from James Franklin and the Nittany Lionsduring his first unofficial visit in March.

Brandon has traveled to Florida State (June 9), NC State (June 18), Alabama (June 21), and Tennessee twice this month (June 1; June 17).Volunteers are currently the favorites to get the best arm in the countrywith predictions from Tom Loy of 247Sports and Steve Wiltfong of On3.

As a sophomore last fall, Faizon led Brandon Grimsley High School to a 13-1 record, throwing for 3,026 yards with a touchdown-to-interception ratio of 36-3 as a first-year starter.

Penn State football lands in the top 10 quarterbacks in the 2026 recruiting cycle

Penn State football, Faizon Brandon, James Franklin, 2026 recruiting

Dan Rainville/USA Today Network

Where Penn State football fares with Faizon Brandon heading into his scheduled visit on July 27 could depend heavily on recent developments with another top quarterback in the 2026 recruiting cycle.

On Tuesday morning, James Franklin and the Nittany Lions earned a commitment from Mission Hills (Calif.) quarterback Troy Huhn.

The commitment follows Huhn's second visit to campus, which took place last week. A consensus four-star, Huhn is On3's sixth quarterbackand No. 60 overall prospect in the 2026 recruiting class. He ranks No. 7 at this position and No. 81 nationally in the site's Industry Rankings.

The move to Huhn comes after several other top 2026 quarterback targets recently dropped.

Huhn has the makings of a centerpiece for the 2026 class, but only time will tell if Franklin and his staff pursue another quarterback down the cycle. On3s Recruiting Prediction Machine also gives the Nittany Lions a 75% chance of landing four-star quarterback Nathan Bernhard. The passer from Ashland, Ohio has connections to current Penn State quarterbacks Drew Allar and Ethan Grunkemeyer through quarterback guru Brad Maendler, but hasn't been on campus since March.

Penn State Football has one other commitment in the 2026 recruiting cycle: four-star Harrisburg running back Messiah Mickens.

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