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Hockey Nova Scotia's new Code of Conduct promotes safety and respect on and off the ice

Hockey Nova Scotia's new Code of Conduct promotes safety and respect on and off the ice


Hockey Nova Scotia has released a new code of conduct for the 2024-2025 season, hoping to promote safety and respect for everyone involved in the sport, on and off the ice.

The new code came into effect on June 17.

It was founded on the recommendation of the Hockey Nova Scotia Diversity and Inclusion Taskforcewhich was founded in 2019 after a teenager from the We'koqma'qFirst Nation complained that he was the victim of racist insults during a match in Chticamp, NS

The Hockey Nova Scotia website statesthe aim is to “emphasize appropriate behaviour” and “ensure a safe and positive environment for all participants” that is free from “abuse, bullying and harassment”.

The code applies to everyone involved in Hockey Nova Scotia, including players, coaches, referees, parents, staff and volunteers.

It is also in accordance with the Universal Code of Conduct to prevent and tackle abuse in sporta national document that outlines rules to deliver 'quality, inclusive, accessible, welcoming and safe sporting experiences'.

CBC News requested an interview with Hockey Nova Scotia, but no one was available.

'Awareness is the most important thing'

Wendy MacGregor, the founder of a new nonprofit called Athlete Zone, which provides support and guidance to anyone concerned about their sporting experiences, said there were some pros and cons to the new code.

She said that since the code is quite broad, it could pose challenges when it comes to reporting and enforcement.

“It's about a lot of important principles, even though many of them will be almost impossible to enforce and no one will ever report on them, but at least they capture these important concepts,” MacGregor told CBC Radio's Main Street Halifax.

MacGregor said she would like to see more education on how to use the complaints procedure, which is briefly described at the end of the code.

Main Street NS7:41Athlete Advocate Responds to Hockey Nova Scotia's New Code of Conduct

Hockey Nova Scotia has released a new code of conduct for the upcoming 2024-2025 season, which aims to promote safety and respect on and off the ice for everyone involved, including coaches, players, parents and guardians. Host Jeff Douglas is joined by Wendy MacGregor, an attorney who advocates for athletes, to learn more about the changes.

The code states that complaints must be submitted via email to Hockey Canada's independent, confidential reporting mechanism called the Independent third party.

This group will review the complaint and decide whether it will remain in their custody or be returned to Hockey Nova Scotia.

MacGregor said this process could potentially be intimidating for people.

“Are you actually going to invest the emotional time and the investment and the energy that it takes to bring up something that may be a very small matter of discretion and that would be much better handled in a less official, less combative way?” she asked.

However, MacGregor said she appreciates that the new code will also apply to Hockey Nova Scotia's external direct programming that could pose a safety risk or impact relationships within the organization.

She likened it to when students get into a fight right on school grounds, but the school claims it has no responsibility for that incident, despite there likely being a crowd at the school.

“If there are unsanctioned programs or events taking place that are related to hockey, or if there is a person who has been hired and vetted by the organization but who is not actually serving in their official capacity, then that clause gives the people who are running the filing a complaint the opportunity to say that the organization bears some responsibility for this and that is very important,” she said.

According to MacGregor, the code is an important tool “to make sport healthier and safer for everyone involved.”

“Awareness is the most important thing because we can't address problems if we can't identify them, and the code is the first step toward actually identifying and capturing what those problems are.”




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