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Big 12 Announces New 20-Game Format and Links for 2025

Big 12 Announces New 20-Game Format and Links for 2025


The Big 12 announced the basketball pairings for all 16 teams Thursday morning. Oklahoma State fans can look forward to an additional conference home game in 2024-25, with visits from each of the four newcomers — Arizona, Arizona State, Colorado and Utah.

The Big 12 schedule is expanding from 18 to 20 games for the first time. OSU will play each of its 15 conference rivals at least once, but will only see five of them twice.

Kansas State, Texas Tech, UCF, Utah and defending champion Houston make up the Cowboys' two-game slate.

OSU also hosts Arizona, Arizona State, Cincinnati, Colorado and Iowa State this season.

Away-only opponents include Baylor, BYU, Kansas, TCU and West Virginia.

The conference selected the duos based on a combination of geography, historical results and a poll of coaches. In this way, the best possible balance was found between travel and competitiveness.

The full Big 12 schedule including dates, times and television assignments will be announced at a later date.

Men's Basketball Season Tickets will go on sale later this summer. For more information, contact the OSU Ticket Office at 877-255-4678 or visit

Oklahoma State's 2024-25 Big 12 men's basketball pairings:

Home and away:

Houston, Kansas State, Texas Tech, UCF, Utah

Home alone:

Arizona, Arizona State, Cincinnati, Colorado, Iowa State

Away alone:

Baylor, BYU, Kansas, TCU, West Virginia

Schedule Notes:

  • The Cowboys once again face one of the toughest schedules in the country, as 18 of their 20 conference games come against teams that qualify for the 2024 postseason, including 11 against NCAA tournament teams.
  • Arizona's visit to Stillwater will be the first ever. The teams have met three times on neutral courts, most recently in the 2005 NCAA Tournament in Chicago.
  • OSU last faced State of Arizona in 1997 at a neutral court in Oklahoma City and last crossed paths with Utah at the 2009 Las Vegas Invitational. The Utes made their only appearance at GIA in 1953, while the Sun Devils' visits are all about three decades apart (1965, 1995 and now 2025).
  • The Cowboys last faced off Colorado during the 2010-11 season, the last in the Buffs' original Big 12 era. The Cowboys have won 22 of their last 23 games against them in GIA (most recently in 2010) and 37 of 47 games all-time.
  • Second year members Cincinnati And Houston will make their debut in GIA competition in the Big 12 era.
  • Houston won a non-conference game at GIA in 2018, but OSU has won each of the previous eight matchups between 1951 and 1958, when both schools were members of the Missouri Valley Conference.
  • OSU has hosted Cincinnati twice. The Cowboys were one of three teams to defeat the Oscar Robertson-led Bearcats during the 1957-58 season and defeated another highly touted team led by Bob Huggins to open the 2001-02 season.
  • With the withdrawal of Oklahoma, Texan technology becomes OSU's longest-running home-and-home opponent. The former Big 12 South rivals have played twice a year in every season since the league's inception (1996-97).
  • The Cowboys also go door-to-door State of Kansas for the 14e consecutive year.
  • Iowa State returns to Stillwater after a year's absence. The Cowboys will also go to TCU And West Virginia for the first time since 2023.
  • OSU's trip to Orlando to face UCF will be the first ever. Baylor's new home, Foster Pavilion, is also on the list of first-time venues to visit.
  • OSU will not host Baylor for the first time in the Big 12 era, breaking a 28-year streak. Notable runs against Kansas (13 years), TCU (12) and West Virginia (12) are also coming to an end.




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