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The 10 best attacks from EA Sports

The 10 best attacks from EA Sports


College Football 25 rankings week continues as EA Sports pushes forward with yet another reveal with just 22 days to go before the official release of the CFB 25 video game, and now Electronic Arts takes a stab at ranking the best offenses in the country ahead of this season.

They’ve already revealed their picks for the 10 toughest places to play in college football, a ranking of the best stadiums in the country that’s sure to get people talking. Now, let’s take a look at their predictions for the best offenses in the game.

More: EA Sports College Football 25 team rankings by tier

More about CFB 25:Trailer|Date of publication|Player rating predictions|Team Ranking Projections|Deep dive video | Sights and sounds

Clemson Tigers tailback Phil Mafah on a rushing attempt during a Big Ten college football game.

Nathan Ray Seebeck-USA TODAY Sports

Garrett Riley came in a year ago to revitalize Clemson's offense, but the unit averaged just 50th nationally in yards per game. Cade Klubnik returns at quarterback, while Phil Mafah replaces Will Shipley at RB1, but the Tigers are still looking for that game-changer at wide receiver. Incoming freshman Bryant Wesco could fit the bill. The lack of that downfield threat is a major reason Clemson has missed three straight College Football Playoffs.

Missouri Tigers wide receiver Theo Wease catches a pass during a college football game in the SEC.

Denny Medley-USA TODAY Sports

The loss of star tailback and SEC rushing champion Cody Schrader hurts, but the Tigers still have a dynamic core on that side of the ball. Brady Cook returns after throwing for 3,317 yards last fall, and he gets back nearly the entire rotation of a stellar receiving corps, including Luther Burden and Theo Wease.

Colorado Buffaloes quarterback Shedeur Sanders attempts a pass during a college football game.

Ron Chenoy-USA TODAY Sports

Pat Shurmur steps in as offensive coordinator and will give the Buffaloes a more pro-style orientation this season. Sheuder Sanders was on fire a year ago, passing for 3,230 yards and 27 touchdowns despite playing behind a line that was the worst in the Power Five with 56 sacks. Two-way forward Travis Hunter returns after finishing second on the team with 721 yards and five touchdowns last season.

Miami Hurricanes wide receiver Xavier Restrepo catches a pass during an ACC football game.

Brian Fluharty-USA TODAY Sports

The Hurricanes get a big pub in the preseason after a transfer window that includes dual-threat quarterback Cam Ward and tailback Damien Martinez. Ward has 13,874 career yards and 119 touchdowns, while Martinez is a 6+ yard per touch back with 16 touchdowns over the past two years. They fit well with an athletic receiver group and are building what should be a strong and cohesive protection unit in a more competitive ACC.

LSU Tigers wide receiver Kyren Lacy catches a pass during an American football game in the SEC.

Matt Pendleton-USA TODAY Sports

Brian Kelly oversees a major quarterback change following the loss of Heisman winner and dual-threat menace Jayden Daniels and top receiving targets. But he gets Garrett Nussmeier in his place, a pocket passer with a big arm and plenty of potential, and he's behind a strong line and with intriguing options to choose from at back and receiver.

Ohio State Buckeyes running back TreVeyon Henderson celebrates a touchdown during a Big Ten football game.

Adam Cairns/Columbus Dispatch / USA

Solid transfer portal wins put the Buckeyes in the Big Ten title race this season after veteran quarterback Will Howard came over from Kansas State after a career-best passing effort, and one-time SEC rushing champion Quinshon Judkins joined him from Ole Miss after rushing for 2,725 yards in that time. and had collected 31 TDs. Along with lead return rusher TreVeyon Henderson, receiver Emeka Egbuka and consensus No. 1 freshman recruit Jeremiah Smith, Ohio State has a roster that two of its former coaches think is the best. Ever.

Texas Longhorns quarterback Quinn Ewers attempts to throw a pass during an SEC football game.

John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports

Steve Sarkisian lost a ton of his receiving targets from a year ago and got aggressive in the portal, adding wideouts Isaiah Bond from Alabama, Silas Bolden from Oregon State and Matthew Golden from Houston. All will immediately contribute to the return of star quarterback Quinn Ewers, and the Longhorns get four starting blockers back in addition to rushers Jaydon Blue and C.J. Baxter heading into the SEC.

Alabama Crimson Tide running back Judge Haynes during a rushing attempt during a college football game in the SEC.

John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports

If there's one thing Kalen DeBoer can do better than almost anyone, it's create high-flying offenses. And with the return of quarterback Jalen Milroe, the Crimson Tide should have a dynamic offense to enter the post-Saban era. Milroe brings mobility in and out of the pocket, improved his downfield passing accuracy a year ago, and should bring better blocking and a solid backfield to steady things. But how well has DeBoer filled out the cabinet at wide receiver? That remains to be seen.

Oregon Ducks running back Jordan James during a rushing attempt during an American football game.

Darren Yamashita-USA TODAY Sports

Dan Lanning already had the best wide receiver rotation in college football heading into the Big Ten. Led by Gary Bryant, Jr., Tez Johnon and Traeshon Holden, the unit added former 5-star Evan Stewart. And we haven't even mentioned veteran quarterback Dillon Gabriel, a dual-threat who has nearly 15,000 career yards, 126 throwing touchdowns and 26 rushing scores, a perfect replacement for Bo Nix in an offense that threw for 531 yards and scored 44 points per game.

Wide receiver RaRa Thomas of the Georgia Bulldogs catches a pass during an American football game in the SEC.

Jeff Swinger-USA TODAY Sports

Carson Beck passed for 3,941 yards with 24 touchdowns and just six interceptions last season, and in 2024 he’ll get back four starting blockers alongside a rotation of skill threats to make this offense work. Brock Bowers and Ladd McConkey are out, as are a pair of star Bulldog backs, but Colbie Young and London Humphreys are notable WR transfer acquisitions, as is ex-Florida rusher Trevor Etienne.

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