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Temple University Director of Tennis

Temple University Director of Tennis


Temple University Athletics Department is looking for a tennis director.

Join the Temple family and get access to the following:

  • Full medical, dental and vision coveragePaid time off
  • 11Paid holidays (including the day after Thanksgiving and winter break)
  • Tuition Remission – Eligible employees and their dependents can earn a degree TUITIONFREE
  • A generous pension plan and much more!

Job Summary:

The Temple University Tennis Director provides leadership and integrity by providing comprehensive oversight of all aspects related to both the men's and women's tennis programs. This includes creating, planning, organizing, motivating, communicating, and directing activities related to teaching, recruiting, practice, competition, student-athletes, assistant coaches, and related alumni and letter winner groups.

The primary function of the Director of Tennis is to identify, recruit, and develop student-athletes in the sport of tennis. Using current methodologies and recognized best practices, the Director of Tennis is responsible for coordinating a competitive program that enhances the skills of student-athletes in tennis. This role requires evaluating and recruiting academically qualified student-athletes whose athletic abilities contribute to a highly competitive program.

The Director of Tennis is expected to be a true leader and role model, both on and off the competitive court. The individual must understand and comply with the NCAA, ITA and USTA regulations that govern the sport, including policies regarding recruitment, eligibility, ethical standards, playing seasons and fringe benefits. Mastery of these rules and policies is a department expectation for the Director of Tennis.

Required education and experience:

  • Bachelor's degree.
  • Minimum five (5) years of related post-doctoral experience.
  • Demonstrated experience coaching tennis at the Division I or Division II collegiate level.
  • Demonstrated ability to motivate and lead student-athletes to competitive and academic success.
  • Demonstrable experience in recruiting tennis students.
  • Demonstrated experience managing administrative tasks related to

Required background checks and clearances:

  • Child Abuse Certifications
  • DMV check
  • Money handling

Temple University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all in every aspect of its activities, including employment, services and educational programs. The university has pledged not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, marital status, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information or veteran status.

Declaration of Conformity: In performing their functions as described in the job description, employees have a duty to avoid ethical, legal, financial and other conflicts of interest to ensure that their actions and external activities do not conflict with their primary responsibilities at the institution. Employees are also expected to understand and comply with applicable university and staff laws, policies, and regulations, including NCAA regulations for areas and departments that they encounter in their essential functions.

Temple University's annual Security and Fire Safety Report contains statistics, policies and procedures related to campus safety. Go here to view:

You can request a copy of the report by calling Temple University's Campus Safety Services at 215-204-7900.

Primary location: Pennsylvania-Philadelphia-STAR Aramark Building 1816 N. 15th Street
Function: Staff
Scheme: Full time
Shift: Daily task
employee status: Normal




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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