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Rick Pitino says he has donated money to Kentucky football and would donate to UK basketball

Rick Pitino says he has donated money to Kentucky football and would donate to UK basketball


During a surprise appearance on the Pardon My Take duo hosting Kentucky Sports Radio on Thursday morning, Rick Pitino, former head coach of the Louisville and Kentucky men's basketball team, delivered a series of quotes that touched the hearts of those in Derby City who called him still support.

To start, Pitino backed up statements he made months ago by confirming that he personally donated money to Kentucky's football program.

Well, I actually wrote a check to the football program because I'm a superficial friend of Mark Stoops and Eddie Gran, Pitino said. But I would definitely write a check if Mark (Pope) needs me for anything, no matter what, except for my first born Michael, he could have that.

I'm not sure where this casual friendship was during Pitino's time at Louisville, which overlapped with Stoop's time at Kentucky from 2013-17, but whatever.

Pitino also reached out to Big Blue Nation directly, saying he always appreciated them and now understands why they were so brutal to him during his time in Louisville.

I absolutely adore Mark (Pope) and would do anything for his program, Pitino said. I always called the University of Kentucky Camelot for me. Never had a bad year, never had a bad day. They treated me like a king. They treated me with the utmost respect. Obviously I wasn't treated well when I was at Louisville, but looking back on it today and studying it today, I completely understand why. So I really like the University of Kentucky.

I predicted back in the fall of 2017 that Pitino would heal the rift with the people of Lexington before making peace with what happened to him in Louisville, but that seems like an exaggeration to me.

Let’s put aside for a moment the simple fact that a head coach of a men’s basketball team from a power conference would donate money to sports teams from another power conference. That in itself is strange: it’s bizarre that Kentucky was so forgiving of its overall attitude toward him from 2001 to 2017.

What happened while Pitino was in Louisville wasn't just your standard rivalry thing. This was a fanbase that ENJOYED every embarrassing detail of the Karen Sypher saga, essentially putting on a virtual parade every time an outrageous off-the-field story became national news. The owner of the Pitino radio show appeared on Thursday morning and went to each day of the Sypher trial and gleefully recounted every humiliating detail of Pitino's sexual encounter to the general public.

But it all seems to be fine.

I understand that Rick is still mad at Louisville and that the red and black wounds are even fresher than his blue and white ones, but come on man. This feels like six or seven bridges too far.

However, it does make it a lot easier to turn the heavy pages and focus even more on Pat Kelsey and everything else that's on the agenda for Cardinals basketball.




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