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You must visit these 4 parks in South Huntsville

You must visit these 4 parks in South Huntsville


South Huntsville Parks
My favorite part of South Huntsville is the mountains always in the background (Joey Luria / Hville Blast)

It's summer. Even though it's hot enough to pass out outside, parks have the most visitors of the year. If you're looking for a picnic, a pickleball tournament, or just a place to sit while the kids play, check out these 4 locations.*

Willow Park

Most people in South Huntsville have seen this park, but have never been to it. Go there when it's not too hot.

What can you find at this park:

  • Two baseball fields
  • Large playground
  • Two tennis and pickleball courts
  • Community library
  • Toilets

Address: 1928 Aftonbrae Dr SE, Huntsville, AL 35803

McGucken Park

McGucken is a household name in South Huntsville and has provided a venue for several youth sporting events. There is plenty of space, so feel free to bring the whole family.

What you'll love about McGucken:

  • Football arena
  • three tennis courts
  • three baseball fields
  • Batting cage
  • football field
  • football field
  • Basketball half-court
  • Pavilion
  • Playground
  • Toilets
  • Backs up Aldridge Creek Greenway

Address: 13020 Bailey Cove Rd SE, Huntsville, AL 35803

Kent Robertson Park

Kent Robertson is a beautiful park tucked away in the southeast corner of Huntsville. It’s the only one in the lineup with a full basketball court, and it’s also a nice place to take a walk.

In this park you will find:

  • Playground
  • Toilet
  • Two baseball fields
  • Basketball court
  • Pavilion
  • Disc golf baskets
  • Swing set separate from playground

Address: 7620 Logan Drive SW, Huntsville, AL 35802

South Park

  • Southside Park Sign
  • dog parks
  • playground in South Park
  • archery range with park

I love Southside for the dog parks and trails behind it. In my opinion, this is the best in terms of appearance, plus there is a decent amount of shade around it.

What this park has to offer:

  • Archery range
  • Large playground with surrounding tables and benches
  • Adjacent to Aldridge Creek Greenway
  • Dog park including separate enclosures for small dogs and large dogs
  • Pavilion with tables and toilets

Address: 15935 Chaney Thompson Rd SE, Huntsville, AL 35803

Head south of Huntsville

A park is a park, but the soccer arena and archery range are unique offerings to South Huntsville. Each of these is worth a visit, but be sure to take precautions against the heat. Check out our older article on keeping pets safe in the summer heat.

*Pro tip: visit in the evening or mid-morning. The hottest part of the day is between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM.

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