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Japan destroys American football team at IFAF U20 World Junior Championship, sparking strong reaction

Japan destroys American football team at IFAF U20 World Junior Championship, sparking strong reaction


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Football fans were not happy on Wednesday evening after Japan defeated the United States by 21 points in the semi-finals of the IFAF U20 World Junior Championship in Canada.

The shocking upset sparked a fierce reaction from American football fans on social media, with some wondering what had happened.

Japanese football team

Japan defeated the US 41-20 to advance to the gold medal match. (Hirobumi Kamimura)

Japan opened the first half with 27 points and managed to limit the US to just seven points in the second quarter. In the second half, the US put another 13 points on the scoreboard, but Japan's offense responded with 20 to win the match 41–20.


“The beginning of the match was good for us, but after that the energy of the American team gave them the opportunity to fight back, but we were able to answer every time they scored,” head coach Makato Ohashi said via the IFAF website.

This victory gave Japan its first chance to win a gold medal.

“I have to give Japan a lot of credit because they won both sides of the line,” U.S. head coach Mike Kelly said, according to the website. “Their defensive line was better than our offensive line, and their offensive line was better than our defensive line. And that’s what it came down to.

Japan vs USA in soccer

The US will play Austria on Sunday for the bronze medal. (Hirobumi Kamimura)


“I have a lot of respect for Japan and the kind of program they've put together. They've been practicing for months and we've had about five practices, so that's no excuse. Japan was a better team internally than us today, and that was the difference in the match.”

But that explanation didn't seem to resonate with fans on social media.

“How can the US SOCCER TEAM lose to Japan, especially BY 21 POINTS,” wrote one user on X. “I've never seen a game like this in my life, but fire everyone, fire everyone and improve the roster. We should win every game by 100 points.”

Someone else wrote: “How TF can this happen??”

Japan beats the US

Japan scored 21 unanswered points in the first quarter. (Hirobumi Kamimura)


Japan advances to the gold medal game on Sunday, where they will face Canada. The U.S. will play Austria for bronze.

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