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NHL Draft Day 1: Islanders May Pick…

NHL Draft Day 1: Islanders May Pick…


After a very uncomfortable and lukewarm (if the three minutes I watched are any indication, and they probably were) NHL Awards event in Vegas, tonight's NHL draft starts with the first round.

Entering the day, the Islanders still (!) retained their first-round pick, 20th overall after dropping a few slots to get an additional second-round pick from the Hawks.

I know there's a huge, huge demand from profiteers for extensive pre-draft coverage here, but… no. Go google it. Or let AI tell you who the Isles might choose. Or check out the 76 sites that profile/plagiarize every possible draft candidate out there. I don't give a damn about any of these kids until Lou or his designee reads their names and they become the property of the Islanders, so let's talk about them then.

Hundreds of children will be announced over the next two days; a handful will be owned by the Islanders. Three or four could even be signed by the team one day. One or two might even make lasting contributions (but always, always, we'll be saying in 2032 how they could have drafted this kid instead).

Islanders read

  • Jame MacLennan remembers being drafted by a club he watched take on the Oilers in the 1980s. [Isles]
  • Memories of John Tonelli being drafted by the Isles and then taken away from the WHA. [Isles]
  • Isaiah George is ready to try out for the pros. [Isles]


  • Here is the complete list of NHL award winners. Whatever. [Sportsnet]
  • Here is a final preliminary version, if you want it. [NHL]
  • It's been a decade at the helm of the Bruins and Don Sweeney still hears about the 2015 Barzal design. [NHL]
  • The Capitals traded a 2025 second-round pick to the Flames for Andrew Mangiapane. [Sportsnet]
  • Washington will be aggressive! After all, they have an individual record to chase. [NHL]
  • Ryan Suter is getting bought out again. (I just want my boss to buy me out once, just once…) [Sportsnet]
  • Ol Barry Trotz has gotten Juuse Saros to agree to an eight-year extension. [TSN]
  • The Canucks agreed to a three-year, $3 million AAV extension with Tyler Myers. [TSN]
  • Kyle Burroughs is on the road again. [NHL]
  • Ken Holland got two of the best players in the world, and it took him five years to build a Cup Final squad. Yeah, let's apologize when he goes out, because you don't expect to have your mother Avery. [Sportsnet] The Netherlands will not return as GM, by the way. [NHL]




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