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Paris Olympics capture this country's attention, but not in all sports | News, Sports, Jobs

Paris Olympics capture this country's attention, but not in all sports | News, Sports, Jobs


The Olympic Phryge, pictured on the left, will be the official mascot of the 2024 Summer Olympics. On the right is the Paralympic Phryge, who will be the official mascot of the 2024 Summer Paralympics. Photo courtesy of

SHEPHERDSTOWN — The Olympic Games are about to begin in Paris. The cosmopolitan French city previously hosted the Games in 1900 and 1924. In 1900, the Games were held concurrently with the World's Fair.

This year, some 11,000 athletes will descend on Paris at the end of July in search of medals, the praise and pride of their countrymen and possibly financial gain, if their fame is broad and commercial enough.

Athletes from the United States of America, in some sports, have been preparing for some time in Colorado Springs at the Olympic Training Center. They have been perfected through their use of a performance dining hall, sports medicine clinic, science hall and various training facilities.

Other countries have done much the same. Russia, China and others eager to trumpet their medal count have also trained their athletes to Paris.

In the United States, the emphasis on a number of Olympic sports varies widely.

When the Olympic Games begin, fans and viewers in America will crowd their television sets to watch the world-class competitions in track and field, basketball, gymnastics, soccer, equestrian, volleyball, swimming and diving, freestyle wrestling, baseball and softball.

Athletics has always captured the attention of Americans. Medals of all colors are once again expected to end up in American hands. Since the television age brought more attention to this event, gymnastics, basketball, swimming and diving have also captured the viewership – at least during the quadrennial Olympics.

There are a lot of sports that don't get much attention and because of the time difference between Paris and the rest of the United States, those sports are not shown on television.

The call for more handball, judo, sailing, karate, taekwondo, rowing, rugby, shooting, surfing, table tennis, cycling, fencing, kayaking, canoeing, water polo, archery, badminton, weightlifting, the modern pentathlon and the triathlon will not be a threat. represent record numbers among television commercial buyers or sports fans in general.

American viewers will want to see their countrymen gobble up medals in sports they have grown accustomed to and know something about.

Not many names are spoken about it yet. But now that the media is focusing intensively on the “medal count,” it would be wise to pay attention to how the United States stacks up against the rest of the world – especially Russia, China, and powers with proven success in other big-name sports like gymnastics, basketball, and track and field.

The Olympic Games are a time of national pride for the entire world. However, the medalists of water polo and judo usually only have their own country's accolades to enjoy.




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