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Stage 43 – Torch Relay – Celebrate history and sport in Haute-Marne with the Olympic torch!

Stage 43 – Torch Relay – Celebrate history and sport in Haute-Marne with the Olympic torch!


Haute-Marne and Saint-Dizier show their dedication to the sport

The Olympic Torch Relay continued its exploration of eastern France during its forty-third stage, in the Haute-Marne. Located between the regions of Champagne and Burgundy, this area is at the crossroads of Europe. The Haute-Marne is blessed with a generous and green natural environment that has transformed it into an extraordinary playground for sports enthusiasts of all horizons. Regulars and visitors alike enjoy the calm serenity of the rolling countryside, ideal for getting away from it all and pushing yourself to the limit. Whether in the great outdoors or in the heart of the many sports facilities, everyone can find something to satisfy their passion for sports activities. The Haute-Marne region and the city of Saint-Dizier are particularly committed to the promotion of sports, both for professionals and amateurs.
This long-standing commitment is also intended to be part of the future. The city of Saint-Dizier wants to benefit from the legacy of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Indeed, it was one of the first cities to have its facilities labeled Land of the Games. Moreover, on the day the Olympic Torch passed through the streets, the municipality inaugurated the largest active design trail in France, with an 8 km route on which visitors can walk, run, drive or even swim. This fun area, which is free and open to everyone, includes several facilities such as a pump track, a military-grade obstacle course and a sprint track with a speed gun.

An immersion in history from Langres to Saint-Dizier

It was also a sporty day for the Olympic torch relay. This started in Langres, one of the most beautiful fortified towns in France, nicknamed the Carcassonne of the North. The Olympic torch was carried in front of the town hall, Saint-Mamms cathedral and the Porte des Moulins gate. The torchbearers were able to admire the sights of Bourbonne-les-Bains, a spa town known since ancient times, and of Nogent, famous for its dolmens and corner tower of the castle. The Olympic torch relay then went to Colombey-les-Deux-glises. This city, which came into the spotlight thanks to the support of the Grand Est region, was an oasis of peace for General de Gaulle, whose family home, La Boisserie, was located here.

The Olympic torch continued its journey through history when it passed around the 19th century.e century Chaumont viaduct and then the forges of Froncles. The industrial past also took pride of place in Saint-Dizier, whose foundries were so popular during the Belle-poque. Close to the Lac du Der, one of the largest artificial lakes in Europe, the Olympic torch visited the urban complex of Vert-Bois, was carried along the banks of the canal between Champagne and Burgundy and stopped in front of the theater in Saint-Dizier. The party location was set up a little further away, in the Parc du Jard.

Place of honor for weightlifting and the 114 torchbearers

A few hours earlier, a collective relay had taken place in Langres. It was the second organised by the French Weightlifting Federation in this city, where the discipline is particularly well-established. The president of the local club (Langres Haltrofilie Musculation), Jean-Louis Gudin, was indeed the relay captain. Selected several times to represent the French team, he has been club president for over 30 years. A total of 23 weightlifting enthusiasts were present, including Rose Duchauffour, Amlie Balland, who takes part in the sport despite his disability, plus Sylvain Besancenot and Dagmar Witkowski, both referees.

A total of 114 torchbearers took turns carrying the Olympic torch along the routes of the Haute-Marne. In a region so conducive to sports, it made sense that athletes from all walks of life were in attendance. That was the case for handballer Abdelkader Rahim, an Algerian international born in Saint-Dizier, French para-shooting champion Thomas Mendez and also triathlete Nicolas Thevenin, who has already participated in the Ironman nine times. Jean-Michel Brun, a French wrestling champion in the 1970s, was also present. He was previously head of the French delegation to the 2004 Athens Olympic Games and is currently vice-president of the CNOSF (the French National Olympic and Sports Committee).

A torch kiss between Florent Pitrus and Axel Clerget

Sport was in the spotlight all day, right up until the final kiss of the torch between the two torchbearers that concluded the day. The penultimate torchbearer was former basketball player Florent Pitrus, who, together with Tony Parker, was part of the French national team, crowned European champion in 2013 and bronze winner at the world championships a year later. Florent Pitrus then passed the Olympic torch to Axel Clerget, a judoka who distinguished himself at the highest level: after winning the world team title in 2011, he won Olympic gold in the mixed team event at the most recent Games in Tokyo. Axel also comes from Saint-Dizier, which added to the excitement at the party venue when he lit the cauldron.

In addition to all the athletes, there were also members of the general public with stories and commitments that reflect the values ​​of the Olympic Games. In the first days, two torchbearers, Corentin Bandosz and Sarah Parrot, who live in the specialized accommodation center Foyer Montclair, are working hard to qualify for the Paralympic Games.

Their energy and determination contribute to making sport accessible to people with disabilities, a battle also led by another torchbearer, Christophe Lattach, who is a sailing coach for people with disabilities. He crossed paths with Annie Cunnin, who is president of a paragliding club dedicated to promoting cohesion and friendship. Eva Salvadori and Jrmy Jonval, two judo enthusiasts, who are former members of the French national team and currently deeply involved in their clubs, were also present.

Tomorrow, the roads of France will once again be filled with smiles, joy and a festive spirit. The Olympic torch relay will continue its journey through eastern France by visiting the Meuse. Located in the heart of the Lorraine region, this land of history, nature and heritage will be buzzing all day long, from Gondrecourt-le-Chteau to Verdun.

Photo credit: Paris 2024 / Lewis Joly / SIPA PRESS

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It contains all the information on events related to the Olympic and Paralympic Games throughout France: broadcast of the events, sports initiations, cultural projects, etc. More than 5,000 activities can already be consulted.

All photos and videos of the day can be found in the Content Library de Paris 2024.

Photo credits are included in the photo metadata.
Footage package: France Televisions Paris 2024 / Credit: IOC

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