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SF Unicorns Hosts Free Family Event in Fremont

SF Unicorns Hosts Free Family Event in Fremont


Cricket continues to grow in popularity across the country, and the Bay Area is no exception. In fact, San Francisco's professional cricket team hosts a “Family Day” for everyone to enjoy in Fremont.

The San Francisco Unicorns will host their second family event on Saturday from 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Ohlone College.

“Building a fan base is so important… A lot of our fans won't actually be able to go to the games. We just wanted to do something for [the fans] “We need to work with the players here and build a fan base,” said Zayanya de Alwis, communications director of SF Unicorns.

As for how they came up with the name Unicorns, the idea is very Silicon Valley.

“A startup with $1 billion in revenue is called a Unicorn, and because it is so rare, we call ourselves the Unicorns,” de Alwais explains.

Family Day kicks off with a viewing party for the Men's Twenty20 World Cup, set in the West Indies, with South Africa and India facing off.

Last year, approximately 1,500 people attended the event and organizers expect a similar number, if not more, to attend.

Family Day hosted by the San Francisco Unicorns in 2023.

T20 is a cricket format, referring to the length of the game. T20 is the shortest form of the sport, lasting approximately two hours and 30 minutes per match.

After the viewing party, professional cricketers will teach children the basics of cricket, hopefully inspiring the next generation of cricketers.

Players will also be available for autographs.

The event itself is free and there will also be food and merchandise booths available for attendees.

The SF Unicorns were first formed as a team in 2023, the same year Major League Cricket was founded.

There are currently six teams in the MLC, including the Unicorns, the Los Angeles Knight Riders, the Seattle Orcas, the Texas Super Kings, the Washington (DC) Freedom and MI New York.

The Unicorns are made up of athletes from all over the world, with both national and international players from Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan and the West Indies.

The Unicorns recently signed Pat Cummins, the captain of the Australian national team, who is regarded as one of the best cricketers in the world.

ST VINCENT, SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES – JUNE 22: Pat Cummins of Australia celebrates his hat-trick after beating Gulbadin Naib of Afghanistan (not pictured) during the ICC Men's T20 Cricket World Cup West Indies & USA 2024 Super

Batting all-rounder Corey Anderson also plays for the US national team, along with Oracle software engineer and bowler Saurabh Netravalkar, who plays for the Washington Freedom.

Another big name who will attend the event is Sunil Gavaskar, the former captain of the Indian national team who won two World Cups and is considered a “legend” in the world of cricket, de Alwis said.

May 2, 1986, Lord's Cricket Ground – Indian tourists – Sunil Gavaskar. (Photo by Mark Leech/Outside via Getty Images)

While there is no U.S. women's team, the team says interest in the sport among women continues to grow and is a reality worldwide.

One of the goals of the Unicorns is to make the sport accessible to female players.

De Alwis hopes that this will happen soon.

“As someone who grew up here most of my life and couldn’t play cricket, I had to play softball. But now, when I see young girls, they can play cricket all the time, which is really great,” de Alwis said.




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