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Texans Name 94 Student-Athletes to Spring Academic All-WAC

Texans Name 94 Student-Athletes to Spring Academic All-WAC


In addition to Tarleton State's 66 honorees in the fall and winter, the Western Athletic Conference announced Friday that an additional 94 Texas student-athletes have earned Academic All-WAC honors, bringing the total to 160 for the 2023-24 school year.

The WAC has announced its complete list of 2024 Spring Academic All-WAC recipients, along with transfers and freshmen from all sports who have now completed two semesters of academic study at their current institution.

Honorees must have completed at least one academic year at their institution, have a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher, and have participated in at least 50 percent of their team's competitions.

Among Tarleton State's spring sports, the WAC Tournament Champion baseball team earned 17 players to the coveted list. Women's Outdoor Track and Field added 15 selections and Men's Outdoor Track and Field achieved 13. Softball saw 13 players reach the milestone, Women's Golf recorded five player selections and Men's Golf collected four honorary members.

Freshmen and transfers for all sports were also recognized after the spring semester if they met academic and competitive parameters.
Football added one to its 16 players selected in the fall to make it the most players selected for the 2023-24 academic year. Women’s Indoor Track and Field also added six new student-athletes to go with its 11 originals from the winter. Women’s Soccer added two to make it to 16 total, Men’s Indoor Track and Field added four to make it to 11 total this spring, Women’s Basketball added four to make it to seven total, and Men’s Basketball rounded out the year with four after a pair of spring additions. Women’s Cross Country added one to make it to five total, while Volleyball added two freshmen to go with its five seniors selected in the fall.

The full list of Tarleton State's All-WAC Spring 2024, Freshman/Transfer student-athletes can be found below:

2024 Spring Academic All-WAC Honorary Members
Baseball (17)

Jordan Andrade, Sr.
Reese Bassinger Jr.
Parrish Beagle, Fr.
Tyson Drake, then.
Jack Driskell, Gr.
Nile Foss, Sr.
Grant Garza, Sr.
Matt Haley, Gr.
Mason Hammonds, Sr.
Spencer Hatch, Fr.
Piercen McElyea, Sr.
Cole Miears, Sr.
Trace Morrison, Jr.
Tyler Olson, Jr.
Zach Poe, Gr.
Austin Russell, Jr.
Kooper Shook, Sr.

Men's Golf (4)

Carson Gallaher Jr.
Alvaro Huidobro, Jr.
Bladen Samaniego, Sr.
Cristobal Sepulveda, So.

Men's outdoor athletics (13)

AJ Alfaro, then.
Kevin Baez, gr.
Ethan Bratton, Gr.
Bryson Crippen, that is.
Angel Gomez, Jr.
Jaden Hall, Sr.
Kyler Larson, Father
David Mvundura, Sr.
Jace Poole, Fr.
Justin Raines, Jr.
Bailey Smotek, Sr.
Davi Torres, that is.
Reid Vincent, Jr.

Softball (11)

Hannah Blincoe jr.
Kendall Daniel, then.
Jordan Dickerson, Gr.
Makenzie Dunbar, Gr.
Austin Germain Jr.
Kelci Hill, Sr.
Ashlee LaRue, Sr.
Kynlee Marquez, Jr.
Alexa Rehmeier, Jr.
Brady Rowland, Gr.
Katy Schaefer, Gr.
Tristyn Trull, Jr.
Kayla Wallace, Sr.

Women's golf (5)

Mathilde Brogens, Jr.
Lou Deltombe, Zo.
Rebecca Fernandez, then.
Elle Vos, Jr.
Sofia Rodriguez, Gr.

Outdoor athletics women (15)

Hannah Cade, Father
Bonnie Clifton, Sr.
Copeland Anayah, Gr.
Bryan Davis, Gr.
Karleigh Heuvel, Jr.
Alessa Koning, gr.
Morgan Lamberson, then.
Wise Lancaster, Jr.
Taylor McFarland, then.
Jordan Rae, so.
Arianna Rosati, Fr.
Rese Schoonover, Jr.
Danielle Thomas, sr.
Mikayla Watson, Fr.
Kylee Willis, Jr.

Women's tennis (4)

Elsa Boisson, sr.
Maretha Burger, Jr.
Martha Makantasi, Sr.
Mukhutdinova Adeliya, So.

2023-2024 Academic All-WAC [Freshmen and Transfers]

Football (1)

Kaysus Kurns, R-So.

Men's basketball (2)

Bubu Benjamin, Zo.
Adam Moussa, Gr.

Men's indoor athletics (4)

Kyler Larson, Father
Hugo Menin, Father
Davi Torres, that is.
Jake Watkins, Father

Women's basketball (5)

Lexi Bull, Gr.
Miannah Little, Jr.
Teresa Maggio, Sun.
Nykesha Sanders Jr.
Karyn Sanford, then.

Cross country women (1)

Morgan Lamberson, so.

Indoor athletics for women (6)

Hannah Cade, Father
Bryan Davis, Gr.
Sofia DeGroot, Fr.
Kassidy Kirkpatrick, Father
Mikayla Watson, Fr.
Chandler Wilson, Fr.

Women's football (2)

Victoria Cameron, Father
Jada Kamerman, Fr.

Volleyball (2)

Madison Frank, Fr.
Carly Lange, Fr.




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