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Fever's Caitlin Clark needs to shoot more, says Christie Sides

Fever's Caitlin Clark needs to shoot more, says Christie Sides


Indiana Fever guard Caitlin Clark is the WNBA rookie's leading in scoring (16.2 PPG) and assists (6.6), as well as field goals made (4.9) and attempts (12.2). After Thursday night's 89-77 loss at Seattle, Fever coach Christie Sides said she wants Clark to shoot even more.

“Caitlin Clark has to shoot at least 15 shots a game for us,” Sides said. “She's got to get shots, and we've got to position her better, set some really good screens so she can get open.”

On Thursday, Clark led the Fever with 15 points on 4-for-9 shooting from the field, including 3-for-7 from behind the arc, and went 4-for-5 from the foul line. She also had 7 assists and 6 rebounds.

Post players Aliyah Boston (5 of 16, 11 points) and NaLyssa Smith (5 of 11, 12 points) led the Fever in shot attempts against the Storm, and guard Kelsey Mitchell was 5 of 10 for 14 points.

Clark ranks second on the Fever in shots attempted this season, trailing Mitchell's 13.4 per game. During her four-year Iowa career, she averaged 20.1 shots per game, with a high of 22.7 in her final season.

While Clark currently leads all WNBA rookies in shots attempted, she ranks 22nd in the league. Dallas guard Arike Ogunbowale leads the WNBA with 21.8 shots attempted per game.

Other true guards who average more shots than Clark include Seattle's Jewell Loyd (17.5) and Skylar Diggins-Smith (13.5), Las Vegas' Kelsey Plum (15.9) and Jackie Young (14.7), New York's Sabrina Ionescu (15.3), Phoenix's Diana Taurasi (13.7), Chicago's Marina Mabrey (13.6), Washington's Ariel Atkins (13.0) and Atlanta's Rhyne Howard (12.5) and Allisha Gray (12.4).

Of these twelve guards, all except Ogunbowale, Mabrey and Mitchell are Olympians for the upcoming Paris Games or have competed in previous Olympics.

Loyd, who is headed to her second Olympics next month, stole the show Thursday night with 34 points on 10 of 15 shooting. The No. 1 draft pick in 2015, she has won two WNBA titles with the Storm and led the team in scoring last season with 24.7 points per game.

So it's an elite group of guards that Clark is working her way into in just 19 games of her WNBA career. She spoke about Indiana's offensive challenges after Thursday's loss, in which the Fever had 20 turnovers, six by Clark, to 21 assists.

“We played off a lot of ball screens tonight,” Clark said. “So when you get doubled on a ball screen, you always give it up. It should create an advantage for our 4-on-3 offensive basket. But I didn't think we played that well off our ball screens tonight.

“I could definitely be a little more aggressive to the basket. But I think I'm just going to try to take what the defense gives me and set my teammates up for success as well.”

Clark has struggled with ball screens this season, which Sides also acknowledged.

“The way people guard her is tough,” Sides said. “Once the ball is out of her hands, she makes the rest of our team get some great looks. She gets some pretty good looks [for herself] off the ball. But we like her on the ball, so we have to figure out how to manage the two.”




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