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2024 Varsity Maine All-State Team

2024 Varsity Maine All-State Team


Count Gregor

Kira Gregor, first-year Cony: Gregor went 11-1 while holding No. 1 singles played in team competition, losing only to Gardiner's Haylie Peacock. Seeded ninth in the state tournament, Gregor reached the quarterfinals before losing to eventual champion Sofia Mavor.

Sofia Kirtchev

Sofia Kirtchev, Falmouth sophomore: As the fourth seed in the state singles tournament, Kirtchev reached the semifinals for the second year in a row. A season-ending illness caused her to miss much of the team playoffs before posting a dramatic 6-3, 1-6, 6-4 win over Brunswick's Coco Meserve to lift the Navigators to the Class A state title were lifted.

Vittoria de Lisio

Vittoria de Lisio, final year student at Thornton Academy: De Lisio, a boarding school student from Italy, reached the quarterfinals of the state singles tournament as the seventh seed before losing 6-1, 7-5 to Coco Meserve, the defending champion. She went 8-2 in SMAA action as Thornton (11-3) reached the regional semifinals before falling to eventual Class A champion Falmouth.

Sofia Mavor

Sofia Mavor, Yarmouth senior: After a two-year hiatus from high school competition, Mavor returned and won her second state singles title in dominant fashion, dropping just three matches in her final three matches. She also led the Clippers to a 12-4 record and an appearance in the Class B finals. She plans to continue playing tennis at the Air Force Academy.

Coco knife serve

Coco Meserve, Brunswick senior: Meserve returned to the state singles finals for a third year. After winning in three sets as a junior, she fell to Sofia Mavor in straight sets. Meserve also led the Dragons to a 15-1 season and a fourth straight appearance in the Class A state finals. She will attend the University of Virginia on a prestigious Jefferson Scholarship.

Becca Naftoli

Becca Naftoly, senior Berwick Academy: Naftoly, a native of Newburyport, Massachusetts, reached the semifinals of the state singles tournament as the sixth seed before losing 6-1, 7-5 to defending champion Coco Meserve. As a junior, Naftoly was a quarterfinalist in singles. She plans to enroll at the University of Delaware.

Haylie Peacock

Haylie Peacock, Gardiner senior: Peacock, a two-time KVAC Player of the Year, went undefeated in team play during the regular season for the second straight year. Her only loss in team competition came in the playoffs to Sofia Mavor of Yarmouth. Peacock plans to continue her tennis career at Rhode Island College in Providence.

Ava Vardaros

Ava Vardaros, junior at the Central Maine Institute: Vardaros, seeded fifth in the state tournament, reached the quarterfinals before losing 6-4, 6-1 to Sofia Kirtchev of Falmouth. In the team competition, Vardaros went 9-2 as MCI reached the Class C South quarterfinals before losing to Boothbay.


Michelle Lovley, Fort Kent

In her second year as head coach, Lovley oversaw a memorable season that culminated in a Class C championship, the first in program history. Fort Kent (12-2) last appeared in the state finals in 1991, losing to Cape Elizabeth in Class B. This spring, Fort Kent, with an all-senior starting lineup, lost only to Class B state champion Caribou. Fort Kent was seeded fourth in Class C North and defeated No. 5 Van Buren, No. 1 George Stevens and No. 3 Piscatiquis before facing Waynflete in the state finals. After trailing 2-0, Fort Kent rallied to win tiebreakers in two games and claimed a 3-2 victory. “Being down two games didn’t really worry me because I knew they weren’t going to give up,” Lovley said. “I couldn’t be more proud of their mental toughness.”

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