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Columbus Crew transfer self-trained midfielder Aidan Morris to English Football League Championship club Middlesbrough FC


Morris started 15 of his 16 MLS games played in 2024, with two goals and six assists. He played in six of the club's seven Concacaf Champions Cup matches, scoring the equalizer in stoppage time of the first half of the second leg of the semi-final, a 3–1 win over Monterrey, to help the Crew reach the final reach for the first time in club history.

Morris, a U.S. youth international, earned his first cap in 2023, starting and playing all 90 minutes in an international friendly against Serbia on Jan. 25, 2023. The midfielder, who recently participated in the U.S. Under-23 final training camp for the Olympic Games, has earned five caps with the senior team.

Morris signed a Homegrown contract with the Crew on January 14, 2020. He made his MLS debut on July 11, 2020, in the 77th minute of a 4–0 victory over FC Cincinnati. He appeared in 10 games (twice as a starter) in his rookie season. When the club claimed its second league title, Morris became the youngest player in league history to start an MLS Cup at the age of 19 years and 27 days. He played the full 90 minutes as the Crew secured the championship with a 3–0 victory over the Seattle Sounders, the largest margin of victory in MLS Cup history.

After missing the entire 2021 season with a knee injury, Morris returned to action in the 69th minute of the Crews' 4–0 season-opening win on February 26 and went on to appear in 27 league games in 2022. Following the season, he was honored with the Kirk Urso Heart Award, the ninth player to receive the award after Urso was honored posthumously in the awards' inaugural year in 2012. The Homegrown midfielder was chosen as the player who best embodied the qualities of a teammate and became the heart of the Black & Gold locker room.

Morris started all 30 regular season games in which he appeared in 2023, and posted career highs in goals (four) and assists (seven). He started all six Crews postseason games and provided the assist for Malte Amundsen's 17th-minute goal in the first round against Atlanta United on November 12.

Hailing from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., Morris played for the Columbus Crew Academy from 2017-19 with the Under-16/17 and U-18/19 teams. The midfielder was a member of the Crew Academy team that finished third at the U.S. Soccer Development Academy U-19 tournament for the 2017-18 season. He made 42 total appearances (39 as a starter) for the Crew Academy, scoring eight goals.

At Indiana University in 2019, Morris played 22 games (21 starts) for the Hoosiers, scoring two goals and posting a team-best eight assists. He contributed to the club's Big Ten Mens Soccer Tournament championship, earned Big Ten Freshman of the Year honors and was the nation's highest-ranked freshman.

TRANSACTION: Columbus Crew have signed homegrown midfielder Aidan Morris for Championship club Middlesbrough FC for an undisclosed fee, which was announced on June 28, 2024. The Crew will retain a percentage of any future transfer fees for Morris.




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