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Discover the restaurants near the Olympic Games in Paris

Discover the restaurants near the Olympic Games in Paris


The Olympic Games are just a month away! Looking for restaurants near the competition venues? Discover our favorite places to have a delicious meal.

Where to eat besides the Olympic events? Restaurants not to be missed:

Restaurants around the Grand Palais and Place de la Concorde:

Shinko all-you-can-eat semi-gastronomic restaurant ParisShinko all-you-can-eat semi-gastronomic restaurant Paris

Around the 8th arrondissement of Paris and the Grand Palais, you can watch skateboarding and fencing competitions. But which restaurant should you choose? We recommend Shinko, a delicious semi-gastronomic Japanese restaurant that is more than worth the detour. A one-way ticket to Japan without leaving Paris!

21, rue Vignon, 75008 Paris

Good restaurants around the Champ-de-Mars, the Invalides, the Eiffel Tower and the Pont d'Ina:

Hmicycle, a restaurant with superstarsHmicycle a restaurant with superstars

After applauding the Beach Volleybal athletes on the Champs-de-Marswe will be near the 7th district to find a good table. We found Hmicycle great. A beautiful address a stone's throw from the National Assemblywith Italian gastronomy. What a program!

5 rue de Bourgogne, 75007 Paris

Restaurants around Hôtel de Ville and in the 3rd and 4th arrondissements:

Moroccan restaurant Paris couscous tagineMoroccan restaurant Paris couscous tagine
Moroccan winter restaurant in Paris

Paris City Hall will organize the start of the Marathonone of the most legendary events in the history of the Olympic Games. If you want to dine around the Marais and the 3rd arrondissement, there are some very good restaurants to choose from. This is, for example, the case at Le 404, where delicious, well-filled couscous is served. Right next door, the 4th District is not to be outdone when it comes to restaurants! Italian, Lebanese, Portuguese… you'll definitely find what you're looking for!

404 Restaurant – 69 Rue des Gravilliers, 75003 Paris

Restaurants near the Olympic events around Arena Bercy:

best restaurants in Parisbest restaurants in Paris
restaurant Virtus Paris

In the 12th arrondissement, the Bercy Arena will host the basketball, trampoline and artistic gymnastics events. If you're in the area during lunch after an event, Virtus is a must-try. This Michelin star restaurant is definitely worth a visit! The kitchen is very good and the dishes are prepared with care. You're in for a treat!

29 rue de Cotte, 75012 Paris

Restaurants near Arena La Chapelle:


The Arena La Chapelle will host the badminton, rhythmic gymnasticspara-badminton and para-weightlifting bench press events. If you are in the 18th arrondissement for lunch, AC Pigalle is the place to be. This Mexican restaurant serves tacos to die for! For us it's a big yes!

48, boulevard de Clichy, 75018 Paris

Restaurants close to the Olympic events at Arena Paris Sud

Guillaume VetGuillaume Vet
Guillaume Vet

Check handball, volleyball, table tennis or weightlifting, it's time for a snack. That's a good thing, because there are really nice addresses in the 15! One of our favorite restaurants? Guillaume Grasso's pizzeria, of course. a real Neapolitan pizza just the way we like itas delicious as it is there. The products are fresh, the pastries delicious and the recipes authentic. A real favourite!

45, rue Brancion, 75015 Paris

Restaurants near Parc de Princes and Stade Roland-Garros

Bistro Paris 16Bistro Paris 16
the Paris 16

You're about to move to the 16th district? You're just in time! After supporting the blues, we recommend a trip to Paris 16! A bistro the way we like it, and voted best bistro in Paris in 2022! Here you can taste typical French dishes that will make your mouth water!

18 rue des Belles Feuilles, 75016 Paris




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