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Utah Hockey Club NHL Draft picks tracker: numbers, adjustments and analysis


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Corey Pronman explains what to expect from the Utah Hockey Club's new prospects and how they fit into the farm system. This page will be updated throughout the 2024 NHL Draft.

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Design class

6. Coach Iginla, LW, Kelowna Rockets (WHL)

August 1, 2006 | 6 0 | 192 pounds

Level: Bubble at the top and middle of the lineup player

Skating: NHL average
Puck Skills: Above NHL average
Hockey feel: NHL average
Compete: Above NHL average
Recording: High quality

Player similar: Victor Arvidsson

Analysis: Iginla was outstanding this season in the WHL for Kelowna and in the U18s for Canada, emerging as a top NHL talent. Tij, the son of Jarome Iginla, is a very talented attacking player. His stickhandling displays consistently stand out. He beats defenders one-on-one at a high pace and improvises very well with the puck. He skates well and can make high-skill plays with his feet moving. Iginla has a great shot that comes off the stick quickly and can pick angles. He has scored a lot of goals this season and projects to beat professional goalies from distance. He also comes in to score and shows strong effort away from the puck. However, his pure feeling and playmaking don't stand out like the rest of his game. He projects as a strong top-six winger who will score a lot of goals.

Choose class: B-

Thoughts on the choice: Iginla is a player who continued to rise as the season progressed and became an option at this high position in the draft. He is a very competitive scorer with a lot of skill. I had some minor concerns about his hockey sense and I am a little surprised that with the great defensive prospects on the board like Anton Silayev, Zeev Buium and Zayne Parekh that they didn't go that route. Iginla is seen as a top-six forward who brings a lot of elements to a lineup.

24. Cole Beaudoin, C, Barrie Colts (OHL)

April 24, 2006 | 6 2 | 209 pounds

Level: Player in the middle of the lineup

Skating: Below NHL average
Puck skills: NHL average
Hockey Feeling: NHL Average
Compete: high-end
Shot: Above NHL average

Player similar: Andrew Copp

Analysis: Beaudoin is a very likable player. He is a very hard working center, with NHL size and skill. He consistently stands out during the game with the amount of pucks he wins and the amount of plays he makes. He is quite physical and is not afraid to get to the difficult areas of the ice. He can play offense in the juniors, but with a fairly heavy skate, it is debatable how his game will translate to the pros. I have seen him get past enough defenders and think his game is good enough that his game will work in a potential third line center role.

Choose class: b

Thoughts on the choice: Beaudoin is a very likable prospect. He is an extremely competitive, big center with plenty of talent. He is probably a third-line center in the NHL that your coach likes, but when he hits the mark he reminds me a lot of Boone Jenner at the same age.

(Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)




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