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Brazil: Rio organizes sports campaign 'Let's Move' in the run-up to the Summer Olympics in Paris |

Brazil: Rio organizes sports campaign 'Let's Move' in the run-up to the Summer Olympics in Paris |


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Recent storyline: Since June, the city government of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, host city of the 2016 Summer Olympics, has organized workshops with Olympic and Paralympic athletes to encourage residents to exercise, in the lead-up to the Summer Olympics in Paris. 16-year-old Brazilian table tennis player Sophia Kelmer was born with cerebral palsy and always had a passion for sports. Her determination and talent now have her hoping to take home a medal in her Paralympic debut this summer in Paris. Ranked seventh in the world in her “Class 8” division, Kelmer is a rising star who takes part in a weekly workshop organized by Rio de Janeiro City Hall that engages people in the swing of the upcoming Paris Games and helps them encourages you to participate in the International Olympic Committee's 'Let's Move' campaign. With training equipment on display each week for different Olympic sports, members of the general public have the opportunity to interact with top Brazilian athletes to learn new skills and start dreaming about what the Brazilian team could achieve in the coming weeks. Brazil heads to Paris aiming to surpass the 21 Olympic and 72 Paralympic medals won in Tokyo – both of which are records. But for this football-worshipping nation, there will be no medals coming from Brazilian men's football this time. The repeat champions of 2016 and 2020 failed to even qualify, something that hasn't happened since 2004. Excitement for this year's Olympics appears to be growing among locals, perhaps fueled in part by nostalgia for the 2016 Olympics that took place in their city. The initiative, called “Sports Workshop – Road to Paris,” will be completed on the eve of the Olympic Games, which start in Paris on July 26. Shotlist: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Recent: 1. Miscellaneous of Sophia Kelmer, Brazilian Paralympic table tennis player, during a training session; 2. SOUND FRAGMENT (Portuguese) Sophia Kelmer, Brazilian Paralympic table tennis player: “I am very happy to represent my country and do what I love most, which is table tennis. Participating in the Paralympic Games as the youngest member of the women's delegation is an incredible emotional experience.” 3. Miscellaneous of Sophia Kelmer, Brazilian Paralympic table tennis player, during a training session, amateurs; 4. SOUND FRAGMENT (Portuguese) Anna Laura Secco, secretary of Rio Municipal Sports: “The idea was to motivate people to exercise during their lunch break. This way everyone can participate and think about whether or not they exercise enough, think about their lives in terms of sport and health, and also getting into the spirit of the Olympic Games.” 5. Different people trying out workout equipment; 6. Several passersby playing football; 7. Several passersby posing for photos with the Olympic mascot; 8. SOUND FRAGMENT (Portuguese) Sophia Kelmer, Brazilian Paralympic table tennis player: “We have evolved since then and of course we can go further, as I always say: to infinity and beyond.” 9. Several photos of Sophia Kelmer, Brazilian Paralympic table tennis player, during a training session. [Restrictions : No access Chinese mainland]




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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