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Rohit Sharma misses out on captaincy, Rishabh Pant, Kuldeep Yadav ignored as 3 Indian stars make it to Cricket Australia's T20WC XI


After 54 thrilling encounters, the 2024 edition of the T20 World Cup heads into the final match, where 2007 champions India will take on South Africa. The Rohit Sharma-led team will be aiming for their second T20 World Cup title and first ICC trophy in 11 years, while Aiden Markram’s men will be hoping to win the first ever world title in men’s cricket. Ahead of the match at the Kensington Oval in Bridgetown, Barbados, Cricket Australia will field their best XI from the T20 World Cup tournament.

India's Rohit Sharma (c) and Kuldeep Yadav celebrate the dismissal of Australian Glenn Maxwell during their Super 8 Group 1 match in the ICC Mens T20 World Cup 2024 (Surjeet Yadav)
India's Rohit Sharma (c) and Kuldeep Yadav celebrate Australian Glenn Maxwell's dismissal during their Super 8 Group 1 match in the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2024 (Surjeet Yadav)

The team of 11 players consists of three from India, two each from Afghanistan and Australia, and one each from South Africa, the US and Bangladesh.

India's captain Rohit Sharma has been chosen as opener after his stellar show in the tournament, where he smashed 248 runs in seven innings at a strike rate of 155.97, alongside Australia's Travis Head, who is the second highest run-getter in the tournament with 255 runs in seven matches. However, the Indian, despite his impressive leadership role throughout the tournament, was not named the captain of the team. Afghanistan's Rashid Khan, who inspired the team to their best ever show in an ICC tournament from a semi-final finish, was named the captain of Cricket Australia's top XI.

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Cricket Australia ignored India's Rishabh Pant as wicketkeeper, preferring to pick Nicholas Pooran, who scored 228 runs in seven innings for the West Indies, completing the top order with the addition of Aaron Jones.

The line-up consisted of two all-rounders: Marcus Stoinis and Hardik Pandya. The Mumbai Indians captain bounced back from a forgettable 2024 IPL season to emerge as the most crucial member of the Indian line-up. He smashed 139 runs and picked up eight wickets in India's run to the final.

The bowling line-up consists of two spinners – Rashid and Bangladesh's Rishad Hossain – and two fast bowlers – Jasprit Bumrah and Fazalhaq Farooqi. This means that Cricket Australia ignored both Kuldeep Yadav, who took 10 wickets in just four appearances for India, and Arshdeep Singh, who has been India's second-best bowler in this tournament with 15 wickets.

Cricket Australia T20 World Cup XI: Rohit Sharma, Travis Head, Nicholas Pooran, Aaron Jones, Marcus Stoinis, Hardik Pandya, Rashid Khan (C), Rishad Hossain, Anrich Nortje, Jasprit Bumrah and Fazalhaq Farooqi.




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