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LSU Football Trending For A Pair Of Coveted Defensive Linemen

LSU Football Trending For A Pair Of Coveted Defensive Linemen


Brian Kelly and the LSU football staff enter the NCAA recruiting season, with several 2025 prospects preparing to announce their college choices.

The Tigers, led by a pair of coveted defensive linemen, are trending on the recruiting trail, while July prepares to provide fireworks for the Bayou Bengals.

LSU defensive line coach Bo Davis is still in touch with the best American prospects, but now that there is a need for dominant forces on defense, he has stepped up his search for them.

Now the first week of July offers the Tigers a chance to land some top targets.

Zion Williams: Four-Star Defensive Lineman

The coveted defensive lineman is considered a gem by the LSU staff and the program is rolling out the red carpet during his official visit this month. Williams headed to Baton Rouge in early June for a several-day stay.

The Texas native has the TCU Horned Frogs firmly in the mix, but fresh off an official appointment at LSU, he has set a commitment date for July 4. LSU feels like they are on top here, with the clock ticking until a decision is made.

Bo Davis, a 6-foot-3, 300-pound threat up front, and his recruiting team have made Williams a top priority in the final stretch, with the Tigers leading the charge for her services. Both Davis and Blake Baker have targeted Williams heavily of late.

Expect LSU to gain Williams' services, with the opportunity to add much-needed depth to the interior defensive line.

Damien Shanklin: Four-star EDGE (No. 1 prospect in Indiana)

LSU football target Damien Shanklin during his official LSU visit in June.

LSU football goalie Damien Shanklin during his official LSU visit in June. /

The four-star EDGE team visited Death Valley in early June, where defensive line coaches Bo Davis and Kevin Peoples took a major step.

Indiana's No. 1 prospect, LSU, is leaving the recruiting scene of their southern region, but they have quickly circled Shanklin as one of their top EDGE prospects in the 2025 cycle.

Now that the visit to Baton Rouge is over, LSU is in the running for the sought-after Indiana native.

On3 Sports recruiting expert Steve Wiltfong registered a prediction that LSU would win for Shanklin's services as his recruiting process ramps up.

LSU has since welcomed Shanklin for a much-needed official visit, as have several other top schools on his list, including the Ohio State Buckeyes.

Shanklin originally had a commitment date set for August 29 but recently changed course, according to On3 Sports.

The prized edge rusher will now announce a decision on July 5, with LSU taking the lead based on his merits.

LSU currently leads for the pair of sought-after defensive linemen, with both Williams and Shanklin set to reveal their college of choice next week.

LSU Country will have the latest on both prospects, with Brian Kelly and the Tigers looking to make significant moves in July to strengthen the class of 2025.

Other LSU news:

LSU Football: Tigers in Trend for No. 1 Wide Receiver in Louisiana

The LSU Baseball Portal Haul: Jay Johnson dominates the transfer market

The Summary: LSU Football is making good on four commitments during crucial recruiting efforts

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