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Chesterton Festival returns to its rightful place in the community

Chesterton Festival returns to its rightful place in the community


The one-day Chesterton Festival made a triumphant return to the Pye Recreation Ground after a year's absence. It attracted more than 2,000 visitors and the 45 stalls were incredibly varied.

The community event, run by local volunteers, took place over four hours in bright sunshine and offered something for everyone.

Baque Trovao UK, a maracatu Afro-Brazilian percussion group, at Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike ScialomBaque Trovao UK, a maracatu Afro-Brazilian percussion group, at Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom
Baque Trovao UK, a maracatu Afro-Brazilian percussion group, at the Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom

The stalls included garden centres, food and drink outlets, religious and housing organisations, scouts, trinket shops, local artists and fitness coaches. There were several table tennis tables, play areas and a stage for performers, including local bands such as The Miranda Band and Zephyrus, plus a magician, belly dancers and a choir.

The variety of stands was remarkable, including Cambridge African Network, Lebanese Street Food, Camcycle, Cambridge Cyrenians, Rowan, Playlanders, Blue Smile, Athena, Cambridge Child & Family Centre, 100 Houses Society, Cambridge Art Salon, Friends of St Andrews (the nearby church) and East Chesterton Women's Institute (WI). Free community heritage walks were organised by the Museum of Technology, a 10-minute walk across the river.

Magician at the Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike ScialomMagician at the Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom
Magician at the Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom

There was no festival last year, said Jane at the East Chesterton WI booth. There wasn't enough funding. But this year it has been fully funded by Cambridge City Council which is fantastic for the community.

Today went very well, said Jenny, the chair of the WI group that meets once a month at Chesterton Methodist Church.

Cambridge African Network booth, Chesterton Festival, 29 June 2024. Photo: Mike ScialomCambridge African Network stall, Chesterton Festival, 29 June 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom
Cambridge African Network booth, Chesterton Festival, 29 June 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom

The weather was lovely – two years ago it rained. This is a very friendly festival, very well organised, and it is good for the locals as Chesterton is one of the most deprived parts of the city so it is really good to have lots of locals and children – just look at all the children playing table tennis! And it is free

The event started at 12:00 and the bands quickly got going.

The Miranda Band at the Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike ScialomThe Miranda Band at Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom
The Miranda Band at Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom

The Miranda Band, a quartet of musicians around 16 years old, played a cheerful version of Surfin USA, among other things, and Zephyrus played Oasis Supersonic and Coldplay's Yellow with great success.

Around 1.30am British group Baque Trovo played their astonishingly loud maracatu set, with drummers, dancers and singers, which involved a tour of the entire festival site – more about this group in next week's print edition of the Cambridge Independent, running on goes on sale July 3.

Camcyle's CEO Roxanne De Beaux at Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike ScialomCamcyle CEO Roxanne De Beaux at Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom
Camcyle CEO Roxanne De Beaux at Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom

Local artists included watercolors and cards by Denise Russell, jewelry by Alana on the Moon, and potter Jane Whitten.

Jane's work has developed enormously in recent years and I bought four pieces from her stall before I recognized her, having last seen her in 2017, shortly after she suffered the death of her husband, Tony Whitten, who I had interviewed for the Cambridge Independent just a few weeks before he was killed in a car accident while riding his bicycle along Newmarket Road.

Table tennis at Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike ScialomTable tennis at Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom
Table tennis at the Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom

A remarkable person, as Jane described her family – she had three children with Dr. Whitten, a conservationist immortalized by having a series of species named after him – we had our day in court.

She is moving to a market town in Oxfordshire soon and we wish her all the best.

Belly dancers at the Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike ScialomBelly dancers at Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom
Belly dancers at the Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom

“We don't count the exact number of people attending the Chesterton Festival,” said one of the organizers, “but we estimate that at least 2,000 people attended today. There were no incidents, everyone had a great time.

Baque Trovao UK, a maracatu Afro-Brazilian percussion group, at the Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike ScialomBaque Trovao UK, a maracatu Afro-Brazilian percussion group, at Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom
Baque Trovao UK, a maracatu Afro-Brazilian percussion group, at the Chesterton Festival, June 29, 2024. Photo: Mike Scialom

The event ended with community teams competing in a tug-of-war competition.

“We are very grateful to the 100 Houses Society for sponsoring the free Childrens Fun Zone,” said a spokesperson for the 2024 Chesterton Festival Steering Committee.




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