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Mike Leach is a Hall of Fame football coach

Mike Leach is a Hall of Fame football coach


Mike Leach is a Hall of Fame head football coach.

WSU announced this this week when it named the late coach to its 2024 Athletic Hall of Fame class alongside Alissa Brooks-Johnson (women's track), Micaela Catain (soccer), Don Collins (men's basketball) and DeWayne Patterson (soccer).

Leach won 55 games in his eight seasons at Pullman, transforming a struggling program bereft of talent and viewers into a program that was flashy, exciting, dramatic and successful. His 11 wins in 2018 are a school record.

But Leach is not yet eligible for the College Football Hall of Fame, as he is one win away from reaching the minimum winning percentage of .600. Here are the full criteria for coaches:

A coach is eligible for three full seasons after retirement or immediately after retirement, provided he is at least 70 years old. Active coaches are eligible at age 75. He must have been the head coach of the football team for at least 10 years and have coached at least 100 games with a winning percentage of .600.

That is it. Those are the criteria. No mention of the impact on the game, no mention of anything other than wins, losses and longevity.

Debates about whether someone (in any sport) is worthy of their hall of fame are endless and often tiresome. The College Football Hall of Fame sets a minimal bar for coaches to jump over, which isn’t a bad thing. It’s the Hall of Fame, not the Hall of Very Good.

But if we judge the worthiness of the Hall of Fame solely on wins and losses, regardless of era or location, we get into this kind of situation. Traditionally, the .600 winning percentage is achieved at places like USC, Miami, State of OhioMichigan, Alabama, Texas, etc., are objectively more attainable compared to places like Lubbock, Pullman, and Starkville.

And that's just wins and losses. There's no arguing that Leach helped make the Air Raid the go-to brand of football in our modern era. It's proven to be effective no matter where you're at or what level you're at. We're seeing it in high schools, colleges, and multiple Super Bowl winning teams. Leach literally revolutionized the game of football. Not just college football, but soccer.

Leach wasn't the first to run the Air Rad, but he did bring it to the mainstream. Moreover, Check out his coaching tree and look at the coaches who played or coached under Leach, and count those who also run a version of the Air Raid.

As Jon Wilner recently wrote: an exception could be made for Leach one dayThere will undoubtedly be many fans supporting a campaign to get him into the College Football Hall of Fame.

His sad and untimely death (he could easily have had a .600 winning percentage if he had been able to continue coaching) is just one reason the Hall of Fame should consider an exception.

It’s easy to look back and find that one loss that should have been a win (and no, this has nothing to do with bad refereeing, as some have claimed). The New Mexico Bowl, Cal in 2013, UCLA in 2018, etc.

None of this should stop Leach from being inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. His impact on the game is too great to go unrecognized.




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