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National Hockey League (NHL) Draft and the Sphere Set are making history in Las Vegas

National Hockey League (NHL) Draft and the Sphere Set are making history in Las Vegas


Nine months ago, the Sphere in Las Vegas redefined entertainment with its advanced location technology, providing a unique multi-sensory experience for music fans. Now his technological marvel is poised to have a significant impact on the sports industry.

The NHL hosted its 2024 draft last weekend at a cost of $2.3 billion, marking the first major sporting event to be held entirely at the venue. Traditionally a more subdued event due to the developmental nature of many draft picks, this year's draft was the first Sphere event to be broadcast live on television. ESPN's coverage marks a significant shift from previous concerts by U2, Phish and Dead & Company, which, despite extensive media coverage and social sharing, were largely in-person experiences.

This is the largest canvas you will ever paint on, said NHL Chief Content Officer Steve Mayer, referring to the 160,000-square-foot Spheres interior screen and the 580,000-square-foot Exosphere on the building's exterior. We have no doubt that we capture the world's attention and have our viral moments. The idea was to make everything involved in this look as big and dramatic as possible. This obviously won't look like an old design.

Mayer attended the first Sphere event, a U2 concert last September, which kicked off a 40-show residency for the Irish rock band. The concert inspired him to introduce the NHL to this innovative location. While UFC was the first sports entity to book an event at the Sphere, with an upcoming fight scheduled for September, the NHL took a leap forward with its concept.

The NHL worked closely with Sphere Studios, a California-based company that is part of Sphere Entertainment Co., controlled by New York Knicks and Rangers owner James Dolan, to create content for the venue. Unlike the carefully planned series of Sphere concerts, Mayer and the NHL had to prepare for the unpredictability of a live sporting event, even one as organized as it was designed to be.

We all learned together how to make the Sphere work as a sports venue, Mayer said. It's just a different animal and we have to be prepared for all possible eventualities.

In addition to programming the video and graphics for both the indoor screen and the Exosphere, the NHL utilized Aura, Spheres’ artificial intelligence-powered humanoid robot, to introduce top draft prospects as they arrived at the venue.

The integration of cutting-edge technology and live sports into The Sphere has created a milestone that could set a new standard for future sporting events. This partnership underscores the evolving relationship between sports and technology, and highlights innovative ways to engage audiences and enhance the viewing experience.




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