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How Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other politicians reacted to Indian cricket team's victory in T20 World Cup | Latest News India

How Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other politicians reacted to Indian cricket team's victory in T20 World Cup | Latest News India


India vs South Africa T20 World Cup Final: Celebrations broke out across India soon after the Men in Blue secured victory in a thrilling final of the 2024 ICC T20 World Cup by beating South Africa by seven runs in Barbados on Saturday. President Droupadi Murmu, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Opposition Leader Rahul Gandhi were also among a host of leaders who hailed the Indian cricket team’s victory in the T20 World Cup and praised their never-give-up spirit.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's cricketers Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli.  (PMO file)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi cricketers Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli. (PMO file)

Shortly after India defeated South Africa in a thrilling match on Saturday night, President Droupadi Murmu told X (formerly Twitter) that it was an extraordinary victory in the final.

“My warmest congratulations to Team India for winning the T20 World Cup. With the never-give-up mentality, the team sailed through tough situations and showed excellent skills throughout the tournament. It was an extraordinary win in the last match. Well done , Team,” said Droupadi Murmu.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated team India and said the cricketers have won the hearts of millions of Indians.

Modi said in a video message: On behalf of the entire nation, congratulations to Team India on this great victory. Today, 1.40 crore Indians are proud of your great achievement. You have all won the World Cup, but in every village, street and community of India, you have won the hearts of our countrymen. This victory will be remembered for a very special reason. There were so many teams, yet India was undefeated. This is no small achievement. You played every ball thrown by the greats of the game and kept winning. This undefeated streak boosted your morale and kept the tournament entertaining. Many congratulations from my side.

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He said on X, CHAMPIONS! Our team is bringing the T20 World Cup home in STYLE! We are proud of the Indian cricket team.

Reacting to Team India's victory, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said the team had delivered a phenomenal performance throughout the tournament.

“Surya, what a brilliant catch! Rohit, this win is a testament to your leadership. Rahul, I know team India will miss your guidance. The spectacular Men in Blue have made our country proud,” Rahul Gandhi said on X, referring to coach Rahul Dravid, captain Rohit Sharma and cricketer Suryakumar Yadav.

As soon as the match concluded in Barbados at around 11:30 PM (India time), jubilant fans poured into the streets. They carried the Indian flag, lit fireworks and chanted 'India, India'. The festivities continued well past midnight.

The cricket-loving nation basked in the glory. Huge crowds gathered in city centres from Mumbai to Patna and from Jammu to Bengaluru, hugging each other and dancing to loud music.

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Home Minister Amit Shah joined the politicians to congratulate the team led by Rohit Sharma. He said it was a glorious moment for the nation and the players put in a great performance with “unparalleled team spirit and sportsmanship” throughout the tournament.

“The nation is immensely proud of their historic achievement,” Amit Shah said on X.

Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said the victory will motivate many aspiring cricketers and sportspersons.

“The entire nation is elated as India has won the T20 Cricket World Cup! Congratulations to the Indian cricket team for a spectacular display of cricketing skills, grit and determination,” said Rajnath Singh.

Minister Kiren Rijiju said the team's boundless spirit and remarkable talent make every Indian proud.

“Thank you for inspiring millions of people and showing the true spirit of sportsmanship!”, Kiren Rijiju posted on X.

Congress national president Mallikarjun Kharge said the victory has made every Indian proud.

“Many congratulations to the Men in Blue for their impressive display of talent and dedication. Virat Kohli, Axar Patel and Arshdeep Singh shone during the match. Every Indian is proud of this incredible victory. Your achievements will always be celebrated and cherished. We look forward to continuing to support and encourage you in future competitions!” wrote Mallikarjun Kharge on X.

Satya Nadella and Sundar Pichai hail India as they win the T20I World Cup

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella congratulated India on winning the title.

“What a final!!! Congratulations India and well played South Africa. Super World Cup… let's have more cricket in West Indies and USA!!” Satya Nadella posted a message on X.

According to Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, India was the rightful winner of the tournament.

“What a match, could barely breathe, everything that makes sport so incredible. Congratulations India, so deserved! SA was incredible. Amazing,” Sundar Pichai wrote on X.

Meanwhile, US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti was also among those who congratulated the men in blue.

Team India's stunning victory

India's agonising 11-year wait for a world title came to an end as the star-studded team outwitted South Africa by seven runs in a seesaw final that went all the way to lift a second T20 World Cup trophy in Bridgetown-Barbados on Saturday.




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