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India win T20 World Cup as Kohli performs in final DW 29-06-2024

India win T20 World Cup as Kohli performs in final DW 29-06-2024


South Africa fell just a few runs short of India's total of 176-7. In the exciting final of the T20 Cricket World Cup in Bridgetown, Barbados, only 169-8 was scored.

It is India's second win in this competition and first since the inaugural T20 World Cup in 2007.

The victory drew quick congratulations from Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“Our team brings the T20 World Cup home in style!” Modi wrote online, calling the match “historic”.

Kohli comes out on top and announces T20 retirement

India won the toss and elected to bat first, giving South Africa a target in mind.

India's star player Virat Kohli won the player of the match award by scoring a crucial score of 76 in the final after a tough tournament. Immediately after the win, he announced his retirement from T20 cricket.

“This was my last T20 game that I played for India,” said the 35-year-old Kohli. “Time for the next generation to take the T20 game forward.”

India's Virat Kohli celebrates after winning the T20 World Cup.  Kensington Oval, Bridgetown, Barbados - June 29, 2024
Kohli also had his bowlers to thank for keeping South Africa, who for a while looked set to surpass India's win total, at bay.Image: Ash Allen/REUTERS

Kohli had scored just 75 runs in the previous seven matches, well below expectations for India's most dangerous batsman, but more than doubled his tournament tally on Saturday with 76 from just 59 deliveries.

Kohli hit six fours and a couple of sixes, and also put together a handy 74-run partnership with Axar Patel, which laid the foundation for an Indian total that was simply too high for the South Africans.

Kohli made his intentions clear from the start, hitting the first three balls of the match over the boundary on his way to 15 runs from the first six balls, a new record for the first over in a T20 final.

South Africa falters early, comes back strong and falls just short

South Africa's chase looked almost doomed from the start as India quickly took the wickets of Reeza Hendricks and Aiden Markram in the time it took South Africa to score twelve runs.

India's Arshdeep Singh, center, throws a ball during the ICC Men's T20 World Cup final cricket match between India and South Africa at Kensington Oval in Bridgetown, Barbados, Saturday, June 29, 2024
South Africa needed 177 runs to beat India, falling just a few short in the final in BarbadosImage: Ricardo Mazalan/AP Photo/picture alliance

But Quinton de Kock and Tristan Stubbs kept the ship on course for South Africa with a partnership of 58, and Heinrich Klaasen came in behind them to score an extremely quick 52 from 27 balls. In short, the chase seemed to be on again; South Africa might even have been on its way to pole position.

But towards the end of the match, South Africa were still in need of a run with every ball and could not keep up with the scoring rate as India took several more wickets, bringing South Africa's weaker lower-order batsman onto the field for the decisive phase of the match. play.

The “T20” format of cricket is a relatively new and much shorter, more action-packed format for a sport that is known to take days to resolve. It has become the most marketable format of the sport.

msh/ab (AP, Reuters)




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