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Celine Dion admits she's not a 'hockey mom' in surprise NHL Draft appearance amid health concerns

Celine Dion admits she's not a 'hockey mom' in surprise NHL Draft appearance amid health concerns


Celine Dion made a surprise appearance to announce who the Montreal Canadiens selected with the fifth overall pick in the 2024 NHL Draft on Friday.

The five-time Grammy winner, who struggles with stiff-person syndrome, a rare neurological condition, checked in at the Sphere in Las Vegas to reveal that Russian-born player Ivan Demidov was en route to the hockey team from her Canadian home province of Quebec.

Good evening everyone, Dion said as the Vegas crowd greeted her with cheers.

I'm excited, not even a hockey mom.

She went on to unveil the Canadiens roster, with dramatic pauses between her comments.

The most dramatic draft announcement ever, ESPN's John Buccigross said during the broadcast.

The surprise appearance from Dion, who recently spoke at the New York premiere of the new Amazon Prime documentary I Am: Celine Dion, comes more than a year and a half after she revealed her SPS diagnosis in December 2022.

Dion, who has largely stayed out of the public eye since the diagnosis, promised earlier this month that she would be back on stage, even if she has to crawl and talk with her hands.

It's like a movie, Demidov told reporters from the moment Dion called his name.

He also noted that he was aware of Dion's music and had watched it Titanic.

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Dion wrote in an Instagram post in French on Saturday that she had a lot of fun with the design and shared photos from the evening, including a photo with her family.

The music icon is a notable hockey fan as she took her twin sons Nelson and Eddy to a Boston Bruins-New York Rangers game, where she played air guitar for the crowd at Bon Jovis Livin on a Prayer in March.

She also addressed the Bruins in the locker room before the game, jokingly thanking shirtless defenseman Brandon Carlo for preparing her.

She also made a number of other appearances in NHL games this past season, including a visit to the Canadiens locker room before their game against the Vegas Golden Knights in October.




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