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Stage 45 – Olympic torch relay – The Olympic torch shines in the Marne!

Stage 45 – Olympic torch relay – The Olympic torch shines in the Marne!


A journey from Vitry-le-Franois to Reims

This Sunday, the Olympic torch relay took place in the heart of a remarkable natural environment. The Marne is first and foremost a land of plains, forests, famous vineyards (of course) and a natural park. It is indeed one of the most important agricultural areas in France with two-thirds of its surface devoted to agriculture. ​​It owes its reputation and prestigious identity to the production of champagne. Although the sparkling drink is produced in five different departments, 66% of Champagne vineyards are found in the Marne.

This know-how was highlighted throughout the day by the Olympic torch relay that passed through the Marne. The route started in Vitry-le-Franois, where it passed by the Porte du Pont, the town hall and the Place d'Armes, in a highly symbolic way: the city had already hosted the Olympic torch in 1967, before the Grenoble Winter Olympics. It then travelled to Giffaumont-Champaubert, to the Lac du Der Lake for a segment aboard a dragon boat, a large boat with a crew of paddlers.

Heritage also came to the fore, with visits to the Saint Etienne Cathedral in Chlons-en-Champagne, the statue of Dom Prignon in Sainte-Menehould and the medieval streets of Szanne. Earlier in the day, the Olympic torch relay travelled along the famous Avenue de Champagne in Pernay, where the headquarters of the main champagne producers are located. Finally, it lit up all the emblematic sites that Reims has to offer: the Parc de Champagne, the Saint Rémi Basilica, the Stade Auguste Delaune stadium and the Notre Dame Cathedral, where many French kings have been crowned. It then moved to the Porte de Mars gate, as the party venue had been set up on the adjacent square.

Tony Yoka and Yohann Diniz are among the champions being celebrated today

A total of 157 torchbearers took turns carrying the Olympic torch throughout the day. Among them were many champions who put France on the map. The residents of the Marne were able to cheer on the Olympic gold medalist in boxing in Rio in 2016, Tony Yoka. Other very talented athletes were also present, including Nwal-Endn Miyema basketball player and medalist in London in 2012 and in Tokyo in 2021, Elsa Millartthree-time world paralympic artistic swimming champion, Vronique Pierronwho has participated in four Olympic Games in speed skating, and Manon Duranda silver medalist at the Canoeing World Championships.

They rubbed their shoulders with it Lucas Crangea bronze medalist in table tennis at the last Paralympic Games, Ismal Taggaeworld breakdance champion in 2003 and footballer Alexandra AtamaniukAthletes who distinguished themselves in non-Olympic disciplines were also present, such as Marina Rousseriewho has participated in the Ironman World Championships, Laurence KleinEuropean Champion and Silver Medalist at the 100km World Championships, and Ins Lanceone of the best female ptanque players in the Marne.

Another emblematic sportsman from the region had the honour of lighting the party cauldron at the end of the day: Yohan Diniz. At the age of 46, he is an emblematic figure in race walking. In the 50 km walk he was three times European champion (2006, 2010 and 2014), once world champion (in 2017) and participated twice in the Olympic Games. His presence at the celebration venue was meaningful for this dedicated athlete from Pernay, where the Olympic torch passed a few hours earlier.

Place of honor for adapted sports

In addition to all these athletes, there were many members of the general public who distinguished themselves through their daily efforts and who had the honor of carrying the Olympic torch. Was among them Mlanie Verbeurewho is trying to introduce her granddaughter, who has cystic fibrosis, to a variety of sports. The days oldest torchbearer, Michelle Massonhas been committed to the gymnastics club Association Gymnique Rmoise for more than 40 years. She carried, like them, the Olympic torch in Reims Laurent Trentlerthe physiotherapist of Frances' adapted ski team and later also of her adapted tennis team.

Indeed, adapted sport was celebrated in Chlons-en-Champagne, through a collective relay. The city is one of the birthplaces of the discipline thanks to the work of ASAC Les Matelots, one of the oldest associations in the discipline, and the organization of several world championships. The French Federation of Adapted Sports organized this collective relay. The captain of the relay was Thierry Wassentinethe first French world champion in the adapted sport, in the javelin throw.

Tomorrow, the teams of the Olympic torch relay and those of its partners Coca-Cola, Banque Popculaire and Caisse d'Epargne can catch their breath and enjoy a well-deserved day of rest. The next day they set off again, for a day that promises to be colorful in the Nord department. The Olympic torch relay will visit Tourcoing, Roubaix and Lille, where the party will undoubtedly be in full swing!

Photo report: Paris 2024 / Lewis Joly / SIPA PRESS

View the full stage programme at

Party location program:

Open to the public from 3:30 PM to 7:45 PM
Free entry, limited capacity
3:30 PM: Opening to the public
4:30 PM: local government activities on the sports boulevard
17.456.50 hrs: partner activities on the sports promenade
7:207:30: Finish of the last runner


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All photos and videos of the day can be found on the Paris 2024 Content Library.
Photo credits are included in the photo metadata.
Image Credit: France Tlvisions Paris 2024 / Credit: IOC

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