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Princeton University

Princeton University


The name itself, the “Henley Royal Regatta”, suggests that this is not your average sporting event. Oh no. There is nothing that compares to the week of racing that takes place on the River Thames every year since 1839.

“We often say this isn't a race,” says Princeton's heavyweight men's rowing coach Greg Hughes“It's an event that just happens to have a race in it.”

It is certainly an event, and a joyous one at that. Both sides of the river are filled with spectators and revellers, with over 300,000 expected in total. Those on the near side, filling the Stewards Enclosure at the finish, will without exception adhere to a strict dress code as they sip champagne, with gentlemen required to wear suits, ties and hats, and ladies to wear below-the-knee dresses and hats. At no time are gentlemen permitted to remove their coats, no matter how warm it is. \

This tradition, and so many others, go back forever. One such tradition is the presence of crews from Princeton, who come to compete against some of the biggest names in rowing, including top American boats and of course Oxford and Cambridge. There is also rowing powerhouses such as Oxford Brooks (not affiliated with the university) and the Leander Rowing Club.

Between the sides is a 2,212 meter course that meanders along the Thames. The format is a single-elimination head-to-head competition, featuring 27 different championships with 772 boats competing, ranging from youth and high school clubs through to national teams.

“The depth of crew racing here from all over the world makes it really exciting,” says Hughes. “You get to face boats that you would never get the chance to race. We're excited when we're racing and there's 300 fans on the shore. Now it's 300,000. It lets you know you're a part of something big.”

Princeton sent three boats this year, all from Hughes' heavyweight team. Although planning can be challenging this time of year, Princeton has managed to fully convey each of the top three 8s.

The first varsity will compete in the Ladies' Challenge Plate, which is one level below the Grand Challenge Cup, the event featuring the national team boats. Because Princeton has four rowers who have won medals at the U23 World Championships, it is not allowed to race in the intercollegiate divisions. The second and third 8s are allowed, and as such they will compete in the Temple Challenge Cup.

There are eight boats in the Ladies' Challenge Plate. Princeton will not row until Friday, when it will have its opening race against Thames Rowing Club. The Temple Challenge Cup begins on Tuesday, when the 2F will race against Durham University “B” at 11:40 local time (6:40 Eastern), while the 3F will race against Exeter University at 2:15 British time/9:15 Eastern on Tuesday.

The winners continue. The losers are out. This is how Henley works.

Princeton flew to England last week and each of the boats stayed in a private home within walking distance of the course, which is about 40 miles west of London. In addition to rowing, Princeton has spent time with rowers from Oxford and Cambridge and has hosted events with some British programs.

“This is a great opportunity to spend time with teammates in a way that isn't possible during the school year,” Hughes said. “We're so glad it worked out so everyone could come. We owe so much to PURA [Princeton University Rowing Association] for such generous support to make this possible for us and give everyone this experience. All our boys will remember this forever.”

Here are Princeton's lineups:

C Connor Neill

8 Patrick Lang

7 Marco Misatie

6 Theo Bell

5 Marcus Stil
4 They have Brach

3 Nick Taylor

2 Pat Shaw
1 Zach Vachal

Cox Wes Hirschman
8 Throat Good

7 More and more Amenian

6 Ed Nutt

5 Nic McAdam

4 Lachlan Toovey

3 Andrew Wilkinson

2 Try goodbye Loken

1 Nic Rath

Mate Joseph Cutaia

8Oscar Patton

7 Matt Wagner
6George Lathrop

5Connor Bohlmann

4Noah Silverstein

3 Jos Yin

2Joe McCauley

1 Sam Kleiner




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