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UK Wildcats News: Barion Brown is one of the best wide receivers in college football


Good morning BBN!

Football season is fast approaching as the Kentucky Wildcats look to play some of the toughest games in the SEC. With teams like Georgia, Texas, Tennessee and several others, the Cats will need some firepower on the offensive side of the ball to win some games.

Thanks to a renewed offensive game, the wide receivers room has a lot of experience and, according to a ranking, it is even one of the ten best receivers in all of college football.

Phil Steele went to work ranking the top 25 WRs who will be eligible for the draft in 2025, and Kentucky's Barion Brown made the list. Steele ranked Brown at No. 9 overall at the start of the season.

One of the more interesting WR prospects in the near future NFL draft is probably Barion Brown from Kentucky. That's because he's known as a weapon on the Wildcats' special teams, even being named a First-Team All-American and a Second-Team All-SEC selection in 2023, thanks in large part to that special teams prowess, writes Dan Morrison from On3.

He continued:

In 26 career games at Kentucky, Brown has 93 receptions for 1,167 yards and eight touchdowns. He has also returned four punts for touchdowns during his career. Three of those kick returns came during his sophomore campaign in 2023.

If Brown ends up among the top 10 wideouts in college football, it will likely mean big things for this Kentucky football team.

Go cats!

Tweet of the day

Farewell, PAC-12. It was a great run.

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