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Utah Hockey Club Makes NHL Draft Splash, Trading for Sergachev, Marino | News, Sports, Jobs

Utah Hockey Club Makes NHL Draft Splash, Trading for Sergachev, Marino | News, Sports, Jobs


Steve Marcus, Associated Press

Cole Beaudoin, center, poses after being selected by the Utah Hockey Club during the first round of the NHL hockey draft on Friday, June 28, 2024, in Las Vegas.

LAS VEGAS (AP) Whether it's owner Ryan Smith's infectious drive, the excitement of adding two centers in the first round of the NHL draft, or the new blue suit, tie and Utah Hockey Club- pin on his lapel that he wore, general manager Bill Armstrong Woke up energetic on Saturday.

I woke up this morning after a good two minutes of sleep and said, 'Let's shock the world,'” Armstrong said.

The shock may last a long time, but the NHL's newest market in Salt Lake City, where the Arizona Coyotes relocated in April, made its presence felt during the second and final day of the seven-round draft at the Sphere.

Barely ten picks into the second round, Utah completed two trades back-to-back to address its defensive needs with established veterans. The team first acquired two-time Stanley Cup champion Mikhail Sergachev from Tampa Bay in a blockbuster move, followed by the acquisition of John Marino from New Jersey.

I'm not sure you can get there in your fourth year of rebuilding and completely tearing it down and bringing it back, Armstrong said, how much closer he considered Utah to a contender. But it's a step in the right direction.

George Walker IV, Associated Press

Tampa Bay Lightning defenseman Mikhail Sergachev (98) plays during a game against the Nashville Predators on December 7, 2023 in Nashville, Tennessee.

The club entered the draft with 13 picks, and Armstrong made good on his intention to use some of them as assets. After using the team’s first pick to select forward Tij Iginla, the son of Hall of Famer Jarome Iginla, at No. 6, Armstrong traded three picks to Colorado to move up 14 spots to select center Cole Beaudoin at No. 24.

Whatever restrictions existed on Armstrong in Arizona under former Coyotes owner Alex Meruelo have been lifted by Smith. The 46-year-old made his fortune in the technology industry and is now transforming Utah's sports landscape as owner of the NBA Jazz, MLS team Real Salt Lake, while also leading an effort to land the 2034 Winter Games.

Smith nearly telegraphed a more aggressive approach to Utah a day earlier when he was asked to gradually rebuild his team's timeline.

I like the position we're in, Smith said. And so I think that's something we're always paying attention to. And that's the plan, until it's not the plan.

A day later, Armstrong's plan has noticeably gained momentum.

A buzz went through the crowd when NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly announced the Sergachev trade early in the second round. Utah sent defenseman JJ Moser, offensive line prospect Conor Geekie, a 2025 second-round pick and the 199th pick in this year's draft.

Daly was back on the mic not long after to let the fans and the rest of the hockey team know that Utah wasn't done yet and that he had gotten Marino and the 153rd pick from the Devils for the 49th pick and the second round pick from the Edmontons by 2025.

We gave up a two-time Stanley Cup-winning 26-year-old No. 1 defenseman, and that's not an easy thing to do, Lightning GM Julien BriseBois said. Kudos to Bill Armstrong and his group in Utah for acquiring such a fantastic young player.

The Lightning are the team entering a rebuild three seasons after winning their second straight Stanley Cup. By trading Sergachev, who is signed through 2031, they saved $8.5 million in annual salary cap space. They also traded forward Tanner Jeannot to Los Angeles.

And the Lightning are in danger of losing captain Steven Stamkos, who is still on track to become a free agent on Monday, BriseBois and agent Don Meehan confirmed Saturday.

A total of 22 deals took place on Day 2 of the draft, involving 15 players and 52 draft picks.

The Washington Capitals acquired goaltender Logan Thompson from Vegas and dealt fourth-line winger Beck Malenstyn to Buffalo. Pittsburgh acquired forward Kevin Hayes and a second-round pick in the 2025 NHL Draft from St. Louis for future considerations.

The Toronto Maple Leafs gave up a 2026 seventh-round draft pick to acquire defenseman Chris Tanev from Dallas. They thought they could sign the player, who has been playing for 15 years, before he became eligible for a free transfer.

While Smith and Armstrong warned they wouldn't just spend money once free agency begins on Monday, that didn't mean they wouldn't improve the team in other ways during the two-day draft weekend.

In Arizona, the Coyotes were known for their constant rebuilding, reaching the playoffs just once in the past 12 years, moving from arena to arena before finally moving north.

It’s a whole new world in Utah, where the so-called Hockey Club has already generated 30,000 season-ticket sales (for this season) for a basketball facility, the Delta Center, with a seating capacity of 16,200 for hockey and soccer; not all of them directly across from the ice. A permanent name will be decided upon by 2025-26, with Utah HC, Blizzard, Mammoth, Outlaws, Venom and Yeti among six possibilities.

Were the youngest state (by demographic point of view) and were also the fastest growing. So when you look at both stats, that's something the NHL can look at and say, 'Wow, like we made the right move,'” Smith said.

For Smith, it's a matter of balancing his enthusiasm and patience.

You manage conflicting emotions at all times. For example, you want to win now, but you also want to win in the long term. And you want to create this culture, he said. But we are young and the future looks very bright.

It will be even sunnier after this weekend.

AP journalist Stephen Whyno contributed to this report.


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