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Take a look at the popular sport that is pickleball


“Anyone can play pickleball. We have kids from five or six to people in their 70s joining us,” continues Lee, who first learned about the sport several years ago through a friend who later became a professional pickleball player. “Those who have experience with racquet sports can easily adapt to pickleball, but even if you don't, it's very easy to learn – it honestly only takes two sessions or so to get the hang of it.”

PSC makes it extremely easy for people in KL to try the sport. Choo says, “We offer court and equipment rentals, as well as merchandise where players can purchase their own paddles and balls. We also offer coaching, available in both group and private sessions, as well as various partnerships and corporate events.”

The social aspect of pickleball is also a big draw, and its inclusive nature promotes a sense of community and camaraderie. Tatler community members Datin Wira Sabrena Dani and Kim Raymond are recent pickleball converts. “I came to check out the sport about a week after PSC opened… I've always been curious and enjoy trying new things, and I wanted to see how it compares to padel and tennis,” says Sabrena. Meanwhile, Raymond says, “I've only just started playing pickleball; I used to play padel.

I would say it’s not as difficult as padel because the bat is lighter and I find it easier.” Pickleball’s popularity is welcome news in the larger fight against the increasingly sedentary lifestyles of modern life, and can help people meet their physical activity quotas. What’s more, research suggests that racquet sports improve balance and coordination, making pickleball a particularly beneficial activity for older people. What’s more, Choo says: “Playing pickleball also helps with mental health. People may not realise it, but being able to interact with others while you’re playing and just taking your mind off the stresses of everyday life is a huge help.”

Sabrena says: “What I like most about pickleball is how intense the game can get. I'm a bit competitive, but in the end it always ends with laughter and chatter.” Raymond adds: “And of course, we don't run home right after we finish our game, because we usually catch up with something to eat or drink at Noa [cafe at The Courts at KLGCC Resort]and keep our friends updated on what's going on in our lives.” PSC and pickleball's ability to bring people together, regardless of age or fitness level, is perhaps its greatest strength.


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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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