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Virat Kohli-Rohit Sharma retires: new but uncertain future awaits the Indian cricket team

Virat Kohli-Rohit Sharma retires: new but uncertain future awaits the Indian cricket team


The picture of Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma in tears was the perfect representation of how the Indian cricket team and their fans felt after losing to Australia in the 2023 ODI World Cup final. While both players had won World Cups as youngsters in the national set-up, the loss robbed them of the perfect opportunity to end their illustrious careers. However, there was no such thing on Saturday as India defeated South Africa in a thriller to clinch the 2024 T20 World Cup title and the excitement was visible on the faces of the experienced duo. Rohit was seen breaking down in tears on the ground while Virat’s fist bumps and aggressive celebration gave another taste of his competitive spirit. However, what made the victory bittersweet was the double announcement that shook Indian cricket.

Immediately after the match, Kohli was asked about his future by host Harsha Bhogle and the star player announced that it was his last T20I match in Indian colours. Less than two hours later, Rohit walked into the post-match press conference and told reporters that even he was saying goodbye to T20I cricket.

While the players and fans are still enthralled by the T20 World Cup victory, the retirement of Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli certainly heralded a tectonic shift in Indian cricket. They were the most experienced members of the national team and their departure paves the way to an uncertain future.

Rohit's departure means India will now have a brand new captain in the T20 format. While Hardik Pandya seems to be the chosen captain after leading in multiple series and serving as Rohit's deputy in the World Cup, some new options have also emerged in the recent past.

Rishabh Pant has proven himself as a solid choice in the Indian Premier League (IPL), while the team management has opted for Shubman Gill to lead the line in the upcoming series against Zimbabwe.

Apart from the captaincy issue, Rohit’s departure also means that India will have to find a brand new opening partnership. Rohit and Virat opened the batting in every match of the T20 World Cup and the team now needs talents like Yashasvi Jaiswal and Ruturaj Gaikwad to finally stake their claim.

As for Kohli, how do you replace arguably the best batsman in modern cricket? Kohli provided the Indian cricket team with a star batsman, a formidable fielder and a seasoned cricketing brain who was a mainstay in the dressing room. The team will now need to find someone who can make the crucial No. 3 batting position their own and the pressure will also be on the senior players to take on a leadership role.

Besides Kohli and Rohit, the T20 World Cup final was also Rahul Dravid's last match as head coach. His term ended with the league and he made it clear that he will not renew his contract. The search for his successor is currently underway and while Gautam Gambhir is currently the favourite, the final choice will inherit a completely new India team.

All good times must come to an end and it is almost perfect that Kohli and Rohit have ended their superior careers with a World Cup trophy. However, the announcements also mean that the Indian cricket team faces a new, if somewhat uncertain future in the coming months.

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