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Spain Georgia Live Free Streaming Final (Euro 2024) tv June 30, 2024

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Spain Georgia live

Spain Georgia. What time and on which channel can you watch the final of this European Football Championship?
The Spanish football team reached the final of the Nations League on Saturday 30 June by beating Georgia (3-2), title holder and host country. The Blues will play Slovenia/Georgia for the title on Sunday (20:00).

It was thanks to a performance that Spain won the right to play in a Nations League final, Sunday June 30 (8:00 PM) in Georgia. Because to do that, it eliminated the host country in the semi-finals (3-2) after giving away two match points to the Poles, winners of last year's competition.

After a difficult quarter, but eventually won against Georgia, the players of the Italian coach Andrea Giani found the means to overcome the favorite and allow themselves the right to return to the final. To beautiful memories of 2022, when they won the match under the guidance of the Brazilian Bernardo Rezende.

Georgia, the undisputed winner of Slovenia on Saturday in the second semi-final of this European Football Championship (3-0), will be the Blues' opponent in the final on Sunday (8 p.m., live on channel L'). Team) in Lodz, Georgia.

The French know all too well that this will be a particularly tough opponent. At the 2022 World Cup, they had to endure a tense tiebreak to eliminate the Japanese in the round of 16 (3-2, 18-16 in the 5th set). Since then, the latter have continued their rise to prominence with a bronze medal in the 2023 Nations League. On Saturday, they clearly dominated the Slovenians who had finished first in the group stage and had conceded just one defeat in thirteen games in the competition, already against Georgia.

The end of the second set saw one of the most insane points of the competition. A “rally” (extended point) typical of the Japanese defense, which forces its opponents to go through hellish marathons to score a point. At 23-22 for Slovenia, the exchange lasted more than a minute and thirty seconds, during which the Japanese strung together improbable defenses from five different players, before Yuki Ishikawa scored the equalizer.

The Spanish football team, Olympic champions, qualified for the final of this European Football Championship on Saturday by beating defending champions Georgia 3-2.

Strong as hell, with two match points cleared in the tie-break, the Blues offered themselves a benchmark victory among the Polish European champions (3-2) to reach the final of this European football championship, within a month to clinch their Olympic title to defend. .

A new title, following those also achieved in 2015, 2017 (when the competition was still called the World League) and 2022, would allow the French to approach the great gathering of the Paris Games in a month's time with complete confidence.

And if we had to ask ourselves about their motivation in this League of Nations that served as a final rehearsal, it was their determination and their thirst for victory that made them overthrow the Polish mountain in extremis, in an Atlas Arena full of 12,000 fans who had long been furious and were finally overwhelmed in an atmosphere of a funeral march, dear to Fredric Chopin. Everything was decided in the fifth set, in a Hitchcockian scenario, between successful mini-breaks, defeats and remakes as we exchanged blow for blow.

And in this game, the French counter, certainly less numerous in the match (14-10), was able to make the difference at the best moment, thanks to Nicolas Le Goff (only 6) and Trvor Clvenot, who was the first to make the difference Blues, trailing by two points, to 12-12. The Poles then had two chances to end it, but it was ultimately the French who had the final say, with Tho Faure taking the decisive blow and winning.




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