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Sean Durzi, Utah Hockey Club agrees to four-year extension

Sean Durzi, Utah Hockey Club agrees to four-year extension


The 25-year-old defender scored nine goals and provided 32 assists last season.

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) Hockey player Sean Durzi signs autographs for young fans before the airport arrival of the new NHL team in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. Utah Hockey Club announced Sunday that Durzi has agreed with a four-year contract extension.

After an aggressive first offseason after moving from Arizona as the Coyotes, Utah Hockey Club continued to strengthen his defense corps by re-drawing Sean Durzi a four-year contract on Sunday.

The Athleticswith Chris Johnston reported that Durzis' expansion came in at an average value of $6 million. According to league sources, the 25-year-old Durzi will make $7.1 million next season, $5.6 million in 2025-26, $4.8 million in 2026-27 and $6.5 million in 2027-28. In the third and fourth years, a no-trade clause will be in effect for ten teams.

We are excited to have Sean join the team in Utah for the next four years, Utah HC said General Manager Bill Armstrong. Sean is a reliable two-way defender who can anchor the power play and provide offense from the blue line. He is a young, highly skilled defender with an incredibly bright future, and we look forward to having him as a core player for this organization.

Durzi led all Coyotes defensemen with nine goals, 32 assists and 41 points. Traded by the Los Angeles Kings last summer for a second round pick in this year's draft, the 2018 second round pick by the Toronto Maple Leaves thrived in a top-four role, playing significant minutes with the Coyotes after playing lower on the Kings' defensive line.

Arizona Coyotes defenseman Sean Durzi controls the puck during the first period of the team's NHL hockey game against the Anaheim Ducks on Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023, in Anaheim, Calif. (AP Photo/Ryan Sun)

I think I can achieve much more, Durzi said The Athletics last October. That’s always been my way of dealing with it. You always feel like you can give more and I think that’s really important to me. My ceiling is: I don’t know yet. I believe there’s so much more I can get better at. I’ve learned so much more this year than I thought I could learn. And that’s always the case, what you do day in and day out. Can I get better in these areas?

And that is my goal. My goal is to be the complete player. A man you can rely on, whether you need a goal with 30 minutes to go, or whether you need a goal from off the board with 30 minutes left. A man who can fight for his teammates and put his heart on the line for the team every night.

Utah has been active early in Ryan Smith's ownership of the club. Without one of its defensemen signed beyond the 2023-24 season, Utah and its loads of salary cap space have reshaped the blue line by trading for Mikhail Sergachev (of JJ Moser on the way to Tampa Bay) and John Marino while it brings back Michael Kesselring And Juuso Vlimki about new contracts.

By re-signing Durzi to a major deal, Utah could enter next season with its new No. 1 defenseman in Sergachev and the right-handed Durzi as its likely top pairing partner. Utah, which made waves under Smith, still has something Cap friendly It is estimated that another $22 million is available under the salary cap as the free transfer window opens on Monday.




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