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2024 All-GNC Boys Tennis Team led by POY Currie, Belanger, Fritz (Rhinelander), COY Nichols (Rhinelander)

2024 All-GNC Boys Tennis Team led by POY Currie, Belanger, Fritz (Rhinelander), COY Nichols (Rhinelander)


Singles Player of the Year: John Currie Rhinelander
Doubles Players of the Year: Joseph Belanger Rhinelander
Dalton Fritz Rhinelander
Coach of the Year: Matt Nichols Rhinelander

First team all conference
Function Name School
#1 Singles John Currie Rijnlander
#2 Singles Conner Klingbeil Medford
#3 Singles Mika Rempp Lakeland
#4 Singles Zacha King Rhinelander
#1 Double Joseph Belanger Rhinelander
Dalton Fritz Rijnlander
#2 Double Dawson Pontell Rhinelander
Michael Schiek Rijnlander
#3 Doubles Aidan Ostermann Rijnlander
Karter Massey Rhinelander

Second Team All-Conference
Function Name School
#1 Singles Dominic Gironella Lakeland
#2 Singles Jack Stepec Lakeland
#3 Singles Cale Schulz Medford
#4 Singles August Callender Lakeland
#1 Doubles Austin Vyskocil Ashland
Bodee Mikkonen Ashland
#2 Doubles Angus Callender Lakeland
Carson Tegland Lakeland
#3 Doubles Tyler Wallace Lakeland
Sawman Brown Lakeland

Honorable Mention All Conference
Position Name School
#1 Singles Brayden Balciar Medford
#2 Singles Nick Lesch Rijnlander
#3 Singles Payton McCue Rijnlander
#4 Singles Mike Preboski Antigo
#1 Doubles Yaroslav Myshchychyn Lakeland
Gage Bowe Lakeland
#2 Doubles Caleb Egle Medford
Keagan Gerhke Medford
#3 Doubles Blaine Searles Medford
Christian Preuss Medford

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David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sports journalist, sports official and educational consultant. Since 2011 he has been reporting on amateur sport, known as 'KeechDaVoice'. David can be reached at [email protected]




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