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McGill graduate Chris Armstrong named president of hockey operations for Utah NHL franchise

McGill graduate Chris Armstrong named president of hockey operations for Utah NHL franchise


Men's hockey | 06/30/2024 12:01:00 PM

MONTREAL Chris Armstronggraduate of McGill University, has been named president of hockey operations for the Utah Hockey Club, joining a club that recently became the newest National Hockey League franchise. As one of twelve McGillians currently employed by an NHL team (see list below), he will also serve as an alternate governor for the team, formally known as the Arizona Coyotes.

Armstrong, a bilingual native of Montreal, Que., studied business at McGill's Desautels School of Management, graduating in 2003. He was recruited by the then-head coach to work with the varsity men's hockey team. Martijn RaymondArmstrong eventually transitioned into video analysis and student assistant coaching under Raymond. After graduating, he continued as a part-time amateur scout for McGill in the Ontario Hockey League, while also earning a degree in sports management from Brock University in 2005. He began his professional career with IMG in Toronto in 2004.

“I'm very excited for him,” said Raymond, who left McGill in 2009 to serve as an assistant coach in the NHL with stops in both Tampa and Ottawa. “He is very grateful for his time at McGill. As an Ontario hockey recruiter for us, Chris told me that David Urquhart was the best defenseman we had on our Ontario roster that year. So I listened to him and chased Dave.”

Urquhart went on to a Hall of Fame playing career at McGill and is about to begin his fourth year as head coach of the hockey program.

Armstrong will oversee the operations and ownership of Smith Entertainment Group (SEG). He spent nearly 14 years as an executive at Wasserman, a Los Angeles-based sports marketing and talent management firm, where he was a key advisor on an acquisition strategy that formed the firm’s hockey practice in 2018. He also negotiated several contracts for prominent hockey executives in the NHL and managed the careers of top players and personalities in professional golf, including Utah natives Tony Finau.

In 2009, Armstrong became the youngest person to make the National Post's list of Top 25 Most Influential People in Canadian Golf. Armstrong was named a 2021 “Forty Under 40” by the Sports Business Journal and was instrumental in building Wasserman's business in Canada, including opening the company's Toronto office in 2011. In that capacity he has helped represent several NHL players over the years. Armstrong recently represented the Pittsburgh Penguins' president of hockey operations Kyle Dubs during his 2023 negotiations with his previous employer, the Toronto Maple Leafs.

He will lead a department that is managed on a daily basis by Bill Armstrong no family entering his fifth season as GM of the franchise formerly known as the Coyotes.

“We are excited to welcome Chris to the SEG leadership team,” said the team owner Ryan Smith in a press release. “He has built strong relationships with top players, agents and executives in the hockey world throughout his career, and his unique background and diverse skill set will be critical in creating the best possible hockey experience for our community, fans, players, coaches and front office.”

McGillians in NHL Coaching & Management (43)

Lester Patrick Defense / Goalkeeper NY Rangers 1926-1928
Sam Rothschild Left wing MTL Maroons / Pittsburgh Pirates / NY Americans 1924-1928
Russian Blinco Come on Montreal Maroons / Chicago Blackhawks 1938-1939
Nels Crutchfield Defense Montreal Canadiens 1934-1935
Jack McGill Left wing Montreal Canadians 1934-1937
Reg Sinclair Right wing NY Rangers/Detroit Red Wings 1950-1953
Johannes Pierson Come on Boston Bruins 1946-1958
Jack Gelineau Goalkeeper Boston Bruins / Chicago Blackhawks 1948-1954
Mathieu Darche Left wing Columbus / Nashville / San Jose / Tampa / Montreal 2000-2011
Lester Patrick Head coach NY Rangers 1924-1954
Bryan Murray Head coach WASH / DET / FLA / ANA / THERE 1981-2008
Doug Timmerman Head coach New Jersey / Toronto 1984-1991
George Burnett Head coach / Assistant coach Edmonton/Anaheim 1994-2000
Jamie Kompon Assistant. Coach St. Louis/LA Kings/Chicago/Winnipeg 1997–present
Jon Elkin Goalkeeper coach Calgary/Arizona/Toronto/Pittsburgh 1999–present
Mike Babcock Head coach Anaheim/Detroit/Toronto 2002-2019
Guy Boucher Head coach Tampa/Ottawa/Toronto 2010-2024
Martin Raymond Assistant coach Tampa/Ottawa 2010-2019
Todd Woodcroft Assistant Coach Winnipeg 2017-2020
Philip D. Ross Driver, Stanley Cup National Hockey League Office 1893-1949
Lester Patrick General manager NY Rangers 1924-1954
Frank Patrick General manager Boston Bruins 1934-1936
Brian O'Neill Executive VP/Trustee, Stanley Cup National Hockey League Office 1966-1992
Gaëtan Lefebvre Athletic therapist Montreal Canadiens 1981-2000
Fred Send VP Finance / CFO / Exec. VP Montreal Canadiens 1982-2017
Ken Sawyer Exec. VP/CFO/CEO National Hockey League Office / Pittsburgh 1985-2011
Ken Droogden Chairman/Vice Chairman Toronto maple leaves 1997-2004
Martin Madden, Jr. Asst. GM / Dir. of Amateur Scouting Anaheim Ducks / Carolina Hurricanes / NY Rangers 1998–present
Ray Lalonde VP Marketing & Sales Montreal Canadians 2001-2011
Matt Nichols Strength and Conditioning Coordinator Toronto Maple Leaves 2002-2009
Joseph Desousa Senior Executive VP and CFO National Hockey League Office 2005–present
Shauna Dennis Senior Director, Content Strategy Montreal Canadians 2008-present
Ken Morin Hockey Ops / Amateur Scout Florida Panthers / Montreal Canadiens 2010–present
Murray Cobb Director, Winnipeg Jets Hockey Academy Winnipeg Jets 2011-present
Real payment Hockey Ops / Amateur Scout Toronto maple leaves 2015–present
Dan Cote-Rosen VP Marketing Edmonton Oilers 2016–present
Patrick Delisle-Houde Strength and Conditioning Coordinator Montreal Canadians 2017-2021
Jack Han Player development analyst Toronto Maple Leaves 2017-2019
Jerome Burke Director of hockey administration Florida Panthers 2018-present
Paul Wilson Sr. VP Public Affairs & Communications Montreal Canadiens 2018–present
Mathieu Darche Dir. of hockey activities Lightning in Tampa Bay 2019–present
Thomas Barbeau Strength & Conditioning Coordinator Carolina Panthers 2020-present
Chris Armstrong Director of Hockey Operations & Alternate Governor Utah Hockey Club 2023-present

Count Zukerman

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Athletics and recreation
McGill University
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