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England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB)

England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB)


Three Lions name three players not yet selected for 14-man squad for tests at Lord's and Trent Bridge

The England men's selection panel has named a 14-man squad for the first two Test matches of the three-match Test series against the West Indies, starting at Lords on Wednesday, July 10, 2024.

England men's test squad

Ben Stokes (Durham) Captain
James Anderson (Lancashire) (First Test only)
Gus Atkinson (Surrey)
Shoaib Bashir (Somerset)
Harry Brook (Yorkshire)
Zak Crawley (Kent)
Ben Duckett (Nottinghamshire)
Dan Lawrence (Surrey)
Dillon Pennington (Nottinghamshire)
Ollie Pope (Surrey)
Matthew Potts (Durham)
Joe Root (Yorkshire)
Jamie Smith (Surrey)
Chris Woakes (Warwickshire)

Two players have been selected for the first time at this level: Nottinghamshire seamer Dillon Pennington and Surrey batsman Jamie Smith, who will also be available to keep wicket. Both have performed superbly in the Vitality County Championship Division One this season. Surrey seamer Gus Atkinson is the only other uncapped player, having been in the squad for the Test tour of India earlier this year.

Pennington, 25, who joined Nottinghamshire from Worcestershire this year, has shown his talent with the ball, taking 29 Championship wickets at an average of 23.03 in the top flight.

Attacking right-handed batsman Smith, who has been in spectacular form this season as he helps Surrey consolidate their top spot in Division One, has scored 507 runs at an average of 76.93. He is expected to be rewarded with his Test debut at Lords next week and add to his England ODI credentials when he made his debut against Ireland last summer.

Warwickshire's Chris Woakes returns to the Test squad for the first time since July 2023, when he was named Player of the Series during the Ashes series against Australia.

Comment on the selected team, The ECB's director of English men's cricket, Rob Key, said::

“The first test of the summer is always a special moment, but it will be extra poignant as it is Jimmy's (Anderson's) last test before he retires. He has given everything to the sport since his test debut in 2003. We want him Wishing everyone the best as he makes his final appearance for England at Lords.

“We look forward to getting the season underway against a strong West Indies side in what will be an excellent Test series.

Test series vs West Indies

1st Test: England v West Indies, July 10-14, 2024, Lords Cricket Ground, London*
2nd Test: England v West Indies, July 18-22, 2024, Trent Bridge, Nottingham
3rd Test: England v West Indies, 26-30 July 2024, Edgbaston, Birmingham




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