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Miami Hurricanes named among 5 college football programs under pressure in 2024


The Miami Hurricanes were named one of them “5 College Football Programs Under Pressure in 2024” by Mitch Kaiser of Pro Football Focus in a report published Friday. With a 12-13 record through two seasons, Mario Cristobal is under a lot of pressure to lead Miami to a significant improvement in its record in 2024.

Florida was the first team named by Pro Football Focus as one of the programs under pressure, followed by Miami, Ohio State, Mississippi and Penn State. The pressure is different for every program. With Jim Harbaugh leaving Michigan, Ohio State is expected to regain control of the Big 10.

The pressure on Florida is similar to Miami after an 11-14 record in the first two seasons under Billy Napier. Kaiser noted that Lane Kiffin is under pressure to take them to the next level. For Mississippi and Penn State, anything but a College Football Playoff berth could be a disappointment.

Miami is expected to have one of the best offenses in the country in 2024, led by Washington State transfer quarterback Cam Ward, Oregon State transfer running back Damien Martinez and returning wide receiver Xavier Restrepo. Three returning starters on the offensive line make up what is expected to be one of the best units in the country.

2023 record: 7-6
2024 Strength of Schedule: 49th

The Hurricanes have had some setbacks of late…but there's something different about the team of 2024. With the addition of star quarterback Cam Ward, the sky's the limit for this offense, which also has the best slot receiver in college football in Xavier Restrepo (89.0 PFF receiving grade).

For every big throw Ward makes, there could be a turnover-worthy play. However, if Ward can reduce the number of foul throws, he will transform this offense and catch the attention of NFL scouts.

Rueben Bain Jr…. collected 45 pressures and nine sacks on 354 pass-rushing snaps (in 2023). He's the type of exceptional athlete who will undoubtedly take a huge step in his development as a pass rusher.

Head coach Mario Cristobal will hopefully have learned from his mistakes in 2023 and will make the right adjustments on the road to success in 2024.”

Mitch Kaiser Pro Football Focus

Ward is the leading returning passer nationally with an average of 311.1 yards per game in 2023. Restrepo leads all returners in the ACC with 85 receptions and 1,092 yards in 2023. Martinez is one of the leading returning rushers after averaging 98, 75 yards per game during the 2023 season. .

Restrepo will be joined as starting WR by Jacolby George, who finished second in receptions and yards to Miami in 2023, and Houston transfer Sam Brown. Mark Fletcher has a bright future at RB. Tight end Elijah Arroyo is expected to have fully recovered from a knee injury that has plagued him the past two seasons and is set for a breakout year.

Ward threw 25 touchdowns and seven interceptions, but led the nation with seven lost fumbles in 2023. Miami offensive coordinator Shannon Dawson said during spring training that he thought the way Ward held the football contributed to his lost fumbles in 2023. Dawson seemed confident they could minimize Ward's lost fumbles in 2024.

Miami is expected to have one of the best front sevens defensively, led by edge rusher Rueben Bain and linebacker Franciso Mauigoa. Bain won the 2023 ACC Defensive Rookie of the Year. Mauigoa led the ACC with 18 tackles for loss in 2023. Miami was able to reshape its defensive line around Bain with some key transfer additions.

Opponents can't double-team Bain in 2024 with the return of Akheem Mesidor, who missed most of the 2023 season due to injury, and the addition of edge rushers Elijah Alston from Marshall and Tyler Baron from Tennessee via Louisville as transfers. Miami will have an elite pass rush in 2024.

Miami ranked 18th nationally in 2024 with an average of 6.77 tackles for loss and 22nd with an average of 2.69 sacks per game. With a much better offense expected in 2024, Miami should be ahead more often. With the lead late in games, Miami's front seven should produce more TFLs and sacks in 2024.

Cristobal has always been praised for his ability as a recruiter. Miami needs to make better decisions late in the game in 2024. If Miami can win expected games and come out on top in close games, the Hurricanes should be able to achieve their goals during the 2024 season.

Next one. Where Mario Cristobal stands among the power conference coaches. Where Mario Cristobal stands among the power conference coaches. dark

Anything less than competing for a spot in the ACC Championship Game and challenging for a College Football Playoff spot will likely be considered a disappointment this season. Cristobal was hired by Miami to return the Hurricanes to a place among college football's elite programs.




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