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Tennis Hall of Fame at William & Mary offers a look at women's collegiate tennis greats

Tennis Hall of Fame at William & Mary offers a look at women's collegiate tennis greats


The ITA Women's Collegiate Tennis Hall of Fame at William & Mary is home to many famous tennis artifacts. (Megan Roche/WYDaily)

WILLIAMSBURG The Intercollegiate Tennis Association Women's Tennis Hall of Fame, housed in William & Mary's McCormack-Nagelsen Tennis Center, features artifacts, trophies, medals, outfits and more, all celebrating those who have risen through the ranks of collegiate tennis.

The Hall of Fame was founded in 1995 through the vision of Millie West. West, who arrived on campus in 1959, was an instructor, professor, coach, Women's Athletic Director and champion for female track and field. In 1988, she helped oversee the selection of William & Mary as the site for the Women's Hall of Fame, where she served as the hall's first trustee and president.

Tyler Thomson, the current curator of the ITA Women's Tennis Hall of Fame, was an assistant tennis coach at William & Mary from 1997 to 2001. He left to become the head coach at the University of Minnesota before returning to William & Mary as the head coach from 2012 to 2018. He is now the head women's tennis coach at the University of North Carolina.

“Millie was a real pioneer in the Title IX year with William & Mary. She was instrumental in getting the McCormack-Nagelsen Tennis Center built. The Hall of Fame was really Millie’s brainchild. She had seen the male counterpart at the University of Georgia, which is not as regal as the William & Mary location, and she really wanted to do something better for the women,” Thomson said.

The Hall of Fame is free to visit and is open daily at the tennis center. The hall displays historical artifacts ranging from tennis dresses made by fashion designer Ted Tinling to rackets used by Billie Jean King. There are also numerous trophies, including a Wimbledon trophy, Olympic memorabilia and books written by tennis greats.

Billie Jean King's rackets on display in the ITA Women's Hall of Fame. (Megan Roche/WYDaily)

“I see it more as a hall of fame than a museum. There are certainly some notable things, but it's less about going in and seeing the items. It's more about going in and seeing who the people were that played an important role in women's college tennis for generations,” Thomson said.

The hall is adorned with multiple plaques, which list each inductee and their accomplishments in the world of collegiate tennis. While many of the inductees are players, there are also coaches, officials, and sports figures who have also contributed to the sport.

“It's the only place and the only entity that preserves the history of our sport,” Thomson said. “Tennis is a sport that has as much, if not more, history among women's college sports than any other women's college sport. Tennis is a really good example of what things were like before and after Title IX.”

Thomson encourages all his athletes to visit the hall.

“Everyone owes a debt of gratitude to those who came before them. Today’s athletes, especially female athletes, have incredible luxuries that were not available to those who came before them. None of what they enjoy today would be possible without these women who went without it for many, many years,” Thomson said.

Every two years, the ITA Women's Collegiate Hall of Fame hosts an induction ceremony on the William & Mary campus. The 2024 ceremony will take place on October 5 and will feature the induction of players Shelley Keeler Whelan and Louise Allen, and coaches John Peterson and Jan Brogan.

Tickets are available for the introductory dinner.

Since the hall has been introducing members since 1995, space has become an issue. Thomson hopes to expand the facility and find new and innovative ways to share the stories of tennis greats.

For more information about the ITA Women's Collegiate Tennis Hall of Fame, visit




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