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WATCH: Five-star TE Linkon Cure to commit to college football, live Monday on 247Sports

WATCH: Five-star TE Linkon Cure to commit to college football, live Monday on 247Sports


Five star tight endLincoln Medicinewill announce his college choice on July 1 during the 247Sports Football Recruiting Show, which begins at 5 p.m. ET. You can watch Cure's dedication live in the video player below.

Kansas State is seen as the favorite to win the Goodland High School product, as the Wildcats hold all five of the 247Sports Crystal Ball predictions. Healing is on the list ofNo. 2 tight endAndNo. 26 General Outlookin the Top247 rankings for the class of 2025.

Cure's other finalists are Oregon, Texas A&M, and Kansas. Cure visited all of them from Memorial Day through now, with KState loops The last official visit will take place on June 21.

Chris Klieman's Wildcats have been winning battles for out-of-state kids of late, with Avery Johnson being one of the most notable, but even he wasn't as highly regarded as Cure, who would actually become the highest-rated player to ever commit/sign with Kansas State, beating out Class of 2000 lineman Chris Boggas. Recognizable names at thattop 10 listconsists of quarterbacks Josh Freeman (No. 6) and the aforementioned Johnson (No. 7), who will become a superstar in the Little Apple this fall.

Wherever he chooses, Cure predicts he’ll be an immediate impact player by 2025. He’s a star in multiple sports for Goodland. Namely.

  • Athletics: Two-time Kansas 3A champion in the 300-meter hurdles. Also won gold in the 110-meter hurdles as a junior and has qualified for states in several events over the years.
    The best T&F scores are: 11.05 in the 100 meter sprint, 14.49 (3.5) in the 110 meter sprint, 21.90 (2.7) in the 200 meter sprint, 38.90 in the 300 meter sprint and 6-2 in the high jump.
  • Basketball: Averaged 11.2 ppg, 5.7 rpg, and 2.1 rpg as a junior for a Goodland team that played for a Kansas 3A title. Cure scored 14 points in the final.
  • Football (of course): Cure was selected to Kansas 3A All-State and finished his junior season with 42 catches for 946 yards and 14 touchdowns.

In Cure's scouting report from Greg Biggins of 247Sports, Cure is touted as an elite route runner who easily creates separation off the snap, wins 50-50 balls, thrives after the catch, and has the build and skillset to get stronger and improve as a blocker at the next level.




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