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Colorado sports bettors betting heavily on NBA playoffs in May

Colorado sports bettors betting heavily on NBA playoffs in May


Gamblers in the Centennial State also like to bet on ping-pong matches. In April, $13.9 million was wagered on the sport, bringing the total amount of table tennis bets to almost half a billion.

Grant Leonard - News Editor at

July 1, 2024 4:32 PM ET

4 min read

Online sports betting in Colorado dominates the state's sports betting market. The The latest financial reports from the Colorado Department of Revenue In May, $445.9 million was wagered on online sports betting sites in Colorado, while physical sportsbooks only took in $1.58 million per month.

The NBA playoffs were a major factor in betting activity in May, generating $147.5 million per month.

In total, Colorado sportsbooks generated $447.6 million in revenue, up 16.2% year-over-year from May 2023, but down month-over-month from April’s $509.5 million in revenue.

Colorado sports betting companies generated $44.99 million in gross revenue in May, and the state coffers benefited from a $3.2 million tax windfall.

Parlay Profits

Sports bettors in Colorado went wild for the parlay action in May, wagering $93.06 million on the bet.

Parlays are notorious profit centers for operators, and Colorado sportsbooks enjoyed a massive 22.5% hold on these multi-leg bets. This helped fuel a 43.3% month-over-month spike in gross gaming revenue for Colorado sportsbooks, despite the handle being down month-over-month.

Gross gaming revenue also grew 40.5% year-on-year.

Favorite sports to bet on

The Denver Nuggets attempted to repeat their NBA championship this spring, but were defeated in the second round by the Minnesota Timberwolves. Basketball betting in Colorado generated $147.5 million in wagers, and Colorado sportsbooks generated $7.95 million in revenue from that action.

These sales figures were 57.4% higher in May than last year, and sales increased by 18.9% compared to the previous year.

The Colorado Avalanche were also eliminated in the second round of the NHL playoffs, with a total of $24.2 million wagered on hockey games in May.

Baseball was the second most popular sport for the second month in a row. The MLB season starts in May.

Sport Can handle Gain
Basketball (pro) $147.53 million $7.95 million
Basketball $92.33 million $3.81 million
Tennis $25.53 million $2.23 million
Ice hockey $24.22 million $3.4 million
Table tennis $13.92 million $1.16 million
golf $6.97 million $880,700
MMA $2.79 million $290,000
Boxing $2.23 million $879,500

Interestingly enough, Colorado sports bettors love… table tennis. Colorado sportsbooks took in nearly $1.2 million in revenue from $13.9 million in table tennis revenue. This brought the state’s all-time table tennis revenue to over $400 million. This is perhaps a testament to the popularity of online sports betting, as only $195.20 of that table tennis revenue was placed at a retail sportsbook.

Colorado tribes attempt to open online sports betting

Currently, the majority of Colorado's sports betting tax revenues – as much as 90% – are allocated to the state's water programs.

The Southern Ute and Ute Mountain tribes want to add online sports betting to their casinos through remote sports betting kiosks, but some Colorado lawmakers fear the state will lose most of its water funding.

By expanding Colorado's online sports betting market in this way, commercial gambling companies can operate these remote kiosks on tribal lands and thus circumvent the current tax structure, since tribes have tax-exempt status.

“When the Legislature put the sports betting initiative before voters in 2019, a key component was that the state would collect taxes on the revenue and spend 90 percent of that money on water projects,” said Rep. Dylan Roberts. “Now there’s a concern that if the physical locations were to move onto tribal lands, we would lose most of that funding for water.”

Voters will also receive a proposal from Bill 1436 in November to lift the current $29 million cap on gambling revenues the state can collect in a fiscal year. This is ultimately an effort to increase gambling revenues for water projects.

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