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Don't give a communal twist to the spirit of cricket. Siraj thanking Allah is his business

Don't give a communal twist to the spirit of cricket. Siraj thanking Allah is his business


India’s seven-run win in the 2024 ICC T20 World Cup final against South Africa had the nation dancing with joy. The World Cup trophy was finally ours after years of drought. However, the storm that sparked Mohammed Siraj’s celebratory post on X was a reminder that cricket is not immune to societal hatred.

Often hailed as India’s unofficial religion, the sport has always united the country. Whether a cricketer believes in Ram, Allah, Guru Nanak or Jesus, he is worshipped by every Indian fan. But this fandom has undergone an unfortunate change in the last decade. Like Hardik Pandya, Virat Kohli, Suryakumar Yadav and others, Siraj also posted a picture of the team holding the trophy aloft. While others received gratitude from fans, the right-handed fast bowlers comment section was full of vitriol. Why? Because he thanked Allah for the victory.

Siraj's caption, Thank you Almighty Allah, did not go down well with some users. It is Team India's victory, not Allah's. Why link everything to Islam,said a user. AnotherwroteIf Allah is Almighty, why didn't Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh win? Instead of thanking the eleven players who won the match, you thank Allah?

The backlash against Siraj’s post isn’t just unfair; it shows a disturbing intolerance within the fanbase. His expression of gratitude is a personal act of faith and doesn’t detract from the team’s collective achievement. But when have the haters on the internet ever cared about logic or respect? This isn’t the first time they’ve gone after Siraj. In 2023, when the Indian team was playing a Test series against Australia in Ahmedabad, the crowd chanted Jai Shri Ram at him and Mohammed Shami.

So far, religion has hardly figured in the discussions about Indian cricket. But it seems that things are changing for the worse.

Also read: T20 WC win is a turning point for Indian cricket, now the end of the Rohit-Kohli era begins

The spirit of cricket

The reactions to Siraj's post come days after the brutal murder of the 23-year-oldSalman Vohraafter a cricket match in Gujarat's Chikhodra.

What started as a sporting event reportedly turned violent, fueled by tensions between communities. Muslim players had performed well in the tournament, angering some locals. Salman was mercilessly beaten to death as the crowd cheered.

The fact that a young man lost his life simply for attending a cricket match underscores the urgent need to address this toxic divide between population groups.

The beauty of cricket lies in the fact that it brings people from different backgrounds together to celebrate a shared passion.

Introducing religious elements will destroy the game, create unnecessary controversy and distract from what really matters: the players, their achievements and the thrill of competition.

The Indian cricket team’s stunning victory at the Kensington Oval in Bridgetown, Barbados, on June 29 was the result of the efforts of every player. It shouldn’t matter which god they thanked; they made us world champions.

Opinions are personal.




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