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Yale Announces 2024 Field Hockey Schedule

Yale Announces 2024 Field Hockey Schedule


NEW HAVEN, Connecticut. The Yale field hockey team will face some of the nation’s best teams and four Connecticut rivals in 2024. The Bulldogs’ schedule was announced Monday. The 16-game regular season (seven Ivy League games, nine nonleague games) includes four games against teams that finished in the top 25 of the NCAA RPI rankings last season.

The Bulldogs open the campaign on Sept. 6 when they visit Lehigh. The Ivy League portion of the season begins on Sept. 15 against Brown at Johnson Field. The Ivy League Tournament, in which the top four teams in the regular-season standings compete for the league’s automatic berth in the NCAA Tournament, takes place on Nov. 8 (semifinals) and Nov. 10 (championship) at the site of the No. 1 seed.

This is the Bulldogs' third season with Melissa Gonzalez as Yale's Caroline Ruth Thompson '02 Head Coach of Field Hockey. Kerry Kiddoo returns as assistant coach, this year joined by Beautiful Bressler. Rising senior back Keely Comizio (New Vernon, NJ) is the captain of the team.

The Bulldogs will return nine players who started 12 or more times in 2023, when Yale was still in contention for a spot in the Ivy League tournament until the final game of the season.

Below is an overview of the 2024 schedule:

The base

  • Yale's regular season schedule consists of 16 games. There are seven Ivy League games (at Brown, at Columbia, at Cornell, vs. Dartmouth, vs. Harvard, at Penn, and vs. Princeton) and nine non-league games.
  • The schedule consists of eight home games and eight away games.
  • Yale plays games in five different states (Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania).
  • The schedule includes nine non-conference games, representing four different conferences:
    • September 6 at Lehigh (Patriot League)
    • September 8 at Drexel (Colonial Athletic Association)
    • September 13 in Fairfield (Northeast Conference)
    • September 20 vs. Sacred Heart (Northeast Conference)
    • September 22 at UConn (Big East)
    • September 29 vs. Quinnipiac (Big East)
    • October 6 at Monmouth (Colonial Athletic Association)
    • Oct. 13 vs. Wagner (Northeast Conference)
    • Oct. 27 vs. Temple (Big East)
  • Live stats and video from all home games and away games where applicable will be available via links on Home games and selected away games will be streamed on ESPN+.
  • Schedule is subject to change. Check for updates.

Strength of the scheme

  • The Bulldogs will play four teams that finished in the top 25 of the NCAA RPI rankings last season: No. 6 Harvard, No. 18 Princeton, No. 23 Drexel and No. 25 Cornell.
  • The Bulldogs will play two teams that finished in the top 20 of the NFHCA poll last season: No. 9 Harvard and No. 19 Cornell.
  • Two of Yale's opponents played in the 2023 NCAA Field Hockey Tournament: Harvard (reached the quarterfinals, but lost to eventual national champion North Carolina) and Sacred Heart (lost in the opening round).

Dates to celebrate

  • Yale Field Hockey Alum Weekend will take place September 27-29, with home games against Penn on Friday, September 27 and Quinnipiac on Sunday, September 29. More details about the weekend will be announced at a later date.
  • On the weekend of October 25, Yale celebrates Senior Day, with the Bulldogs honoring members of the class of 2025:

Post season

  • The Ivy League tournament will be held at the site of the No. 1 seed and will feature the top four teams in the regular season standings. The semifinals will be held on Friday, November 8, and the tournament championship game will be held on Sunday, November 10.
  • NCAA Tournament competition begins with opening-round games on Nov. 13 (featuring the four lowest-ranked automatic qualifiers). The field consists of 10 automatic qualifiers, including a spot for the Ivy League Tournament champion, and eight at-large selections. First- and second-round games will be held at campus sites on Nov. 15 and 17. The winners of those brackets advance to the semifinals on Nov. 22. The championship is on Nov. 24. The semifinals and championship are hosted by Michigan.




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